01 November, 2008

4th BDS Oral medicine and radiology



1. Enumerate premalignant lesions and premalignant conditions. Describe the etiology, clinical features and
treatment of Oral sub mucous Fibrosis=9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x4 =16m; a) Oral manifestations of Diabetes Mellitus b) Erythema Multiforme
c) Management of Tic Douloureux d) Endogenous Pigmentation
3. Write short notes: 5 x 2 =a) ANUG b) Gingival hyperplasia c) Paul-Bunnel test d) Candidiasis e) Bell’s Palsy


4. What is the composition of radiographic film? Describe the mechanism of image formation. Add a note on
the composition of developing and fixing solution and their functions=9m
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Sunray appearance b) Hazards of radiation
c) Automatic film processing d) Indications for occlusal film
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m; a) Thermoluminescent Dosimeter
b) Radiographic appearance of Fibrous Dysplasia c) Bite Marks d) Battered Baby syndrome
e) Wound Certificate

OCT./NOV.2005 (N.R.)


1. Define an autoimmune disease. Enumerate autoimmune diseases that have direct and indirect effect on the
oral cavity =9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Xerostomia b) Hyperparathyroidism
c) Management of Chronic atrophic candidiasis d) Agranulocytosis
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) James Ramsay Hunt Syndrome b) Post herpetic Neuralgia
c) Paul Bunnel Test d) Hairy Leukoplakia e) Café au lait spots


4. Write briefly on indications for occlusal radiograph and describe the technique for topographic occlusal
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Importance of Lamira dura b) Collimation and filtration
c) Radiograph appearance of fibrous dysplasia
d) Anatomical Landmarks seen in upper posterior periapical X’Ray picture
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2=10marks; a) Bell’s Palsy b) Antemortem records in Forensic Dentistry
c) Bite mark analysis d) Identification and aging the dead from the teeth e) Dosimetry



1. Enumerate the causes of cervical lymphadenopathy and give the clinical features of Hodgkin’s disease=9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Investigations with the result of Pemphigus Vulgaris
b) Sjogren’s syndrome c) Differential diagnosis of smooth tongue
d) Clinical features of pernicious anaemia
3. Write briefly on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Management of sub mucous fibrosis b) Eagle’s syndrome
c) Anaphylactic shock d) Erosive Lichenplanus e) Clidocranial dysostosis


4. Describe sialography in detail and write briefly on the significance in various salivary gland disorders=9m
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Radiographic appearance of periapical cemental dysplasia
b) Radiation protection for patients c) Intensifying Screen d) Generation of X-Rays
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Grid b) Submentovertex view
c) Estimation of time since death in Forensic Dentistry d) Estimation and interepretation of bite marks
e) Facial comparisons and reconstruction in Forensic Dentistry

OCTOBER, 2004.


1. What are the functions of Saliva? Enumerate the causes of Xerostomia and add a note on its management-9
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Pigmental lesions of Orofacial region
b) Oral precancerous lesions c) Clinical features of Acute Herpetic Gingivostomatitis
d) Oral manifestations of HIV Infection
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Management of recurrent aphthous ulcers
b) Bence Jones protein c) Rose Waller Test d) Management of Paroxysmal Trigeminal Neuralgia
e) Myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome.


4. Enumerate periapical radiolucencies and radio-opacities. How would you diagnose systemic diseases with
periapical changes in radiographs =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4=16marks; a) Moth eaten appearance
b) Radiographic appearance of Odontogenic keratocyst
c) Radiation hazards of teeth, Oral Mucosa and the jaws d) Indications for trans orbital view
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Potter Bucky diaphragm b) Scope of forensic dentistry
c) Determination of age in forensic dentistry d) Dental identification kit in forensic dentistry e) Resolution.



1. Give differential diagnosis of pain in and around the tooth =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m a) Treatment of Frigeminal Neuralgia b) Leproma in mouth
c) Glossopyrosis and Glossodynia d) Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
3. Write short notes on: 5 x 2 =10m a) Hairy Leukoplakia b) Drugs causing Gingival enlargement
c) Mobility of tooth d) Pericornitis – causes e) Subluxation of T.M.J. (Tempromandibular joint)

4. How will you take intraoral radiograph using long cone technique =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m a) Radiographic appearance of fibrous Dysplasia b) Exposure time
c) Fixing and developing solution d) Bite marks
6. Write short notes on: 5 x 2 =10m a) Child abuse b) Antimortem record c) Lamina Dura d) Soap bubble appearance of radiograph e) Grid



1. Give differential diagnosis of pain in and around the tooth =10marks
2. Write short notes on: 6 x 5 =30m a) Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia b) Leproma in mouth
c) Glossopyrosis & glossodynia d) Ramsay hunt syndrome e) Leukoplakia
f) Subluxation of T.M.J. (Temporomandibular joint)


3. How will you take intra oral radiograph using long cone technique. =10marks
4. Write short notes on: 6 x 5 =30marks
a) Radiographic appearance of fibrous dysplasia b) Exposure time c) Fixing & developing solution
d) Bite marks e) Antimortem record f) Grid.

(New Regulations) OCTOBER, 2002.


1. Define and classify Anemias. Discuss in detail about Iron deficiency anemia. =9marks
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16 - a) Benign migratory glossitis b) Herpes zoster
c) Chronic lymphocytic leukemia d) Ameloblastoma
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m a) Secondary stage of syphilis b) Hyperparathyroidism
c) Atrophic Lichen Planus d) Cancrum Oris e) Hodgkin’s Disease


4. Discuss in detail regarding radiation protection =9marks
5. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16m a) Occlusal view radiography b) Collimation c) SLOB d) Processing of X-ray films
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks a) Radiographic films b) Radiographic appearance of Paget’s disease c) Bite marks d) Sex determination e) Lip prints

OCTOBER, 2002 (Old Regulations) -


1. Write the differential diagnosis of dryness of mouth =10marks
2. Write short notes on: 6x5=30m a) ANUG b) Sebacious Nevi c) Verrucous Carcinoma d) Trismus e) Bald Tongue f) Heerfordt syndrome


3. Enumerate various Techniques of TMJ Radiography. Write in detail transcranial projection =10marks
4. Write short notes on: 6 x 5 =30m a) Collimation b) Dosimetry c) Developing solution
d) Fractures of Teeth e) Lacerated wounds f) Age changes of Teeth



1. Enumerate various vesiculo-bullous lesions of oral cavity. Describe Erythema Multiform in detail =10m
2. Short Notes: a) Sjogren’s syndrome b) Eosinophillic Granuloma c) Serological Test for Syphilis
d) Thrust e) Fibrous Dysplasia f) Anti inflammatory drugs =6x5=30m


3. Discuss briefly radiation hazards. Describe the various methods to protect the patient and operator from the hazards=10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Collimation and Filtration b) Occlusal Radiographs c) Garre’s osteomyelitis
d) Contrast radiography e) Intensifying screens f) Composition of Intra oral periapical film =6x5



1. Describe the clinical varieties of Leukoplakia and mention the treatment of different types of Luekoplakia. Add a note on etiology of Leukoplakia =10marks
2. Short Notes on: a) Trotters syndrome b) Hairy Leukoplakia c) Agranulocytosis d) Sul auricular pain
e) Avitominosis A f) Treatment of Trigeminal Trigeminal neuralgia =6x5=30marks


3. Describe the Radiographic appearance of different cysts of Maxilla and mandible =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Intensifying screen b) Timer c) Bite marks d) Mass disaster e) Antemortem Record
f) Long cone technique =6x5=30marks



1. Enumerate the various causes of Cervico-Facial Lymphadenopathy. Write the differential diagnosis of cervical lymphadenopathy =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Depapillation of tongue b) Periodic Migrainous Neuralgia c) Bell’s Palsy
d) Sebaceous Nevi e) Oral submucous Fibrosis f) Agranulocytosis =6x5=30


3. Write the principle of imaging and discuss the bisecting angle technique =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Units of Radiation b) Radiological appearance of Odontogenic Keratocyst =6x5=30m
c) Radiation Mucositis d) Grevious Injury of teeth e) Bite Marks f) Registration of Dental surgeons



1. Describe the clinical varieties of Oral Lichen planus and outline the clinical differences between Leukoplakia and Lichen planus. Add a note on management of Lichen Planus in oral mucosa =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Areas of focal infection in oral cavity b) Oral Submucous fibrosis c) Verruca Vulgaris
d) Infectious Mono nucleiosis e) Lamina Dura f) Steroids in Dentistry


3. Describe the periapical Radiolucencies and Radio-opacities =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Age determination of Forensic Odontology b) Post mortem Record c) Child abuse
d) Dosi Metry e) Fibrous dysplasia in Radiographs f) Long cone Technique =6x5=30marks



1. Discuss the differential diagnosis of multiple ulcers of oral mucosa =10marks
2. Short notes: a) Burning mouth syndrome b) Acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis c) Trotter’s syndrome
d) Biopsy e) Mid Palatal swellings f) Vitality tests =6x5=30marks


3. Enumerate the various radiographic techniques for the diagnosis of fractures of mandible =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Grid b) Bitowing Radiography c) Alara d) Radiation caries e) Professional negligence
f) Age determination =6x5=30marks


1. Enumerate the white lesions of the oral mucosa. Write about aetiology, clinical features, investigations and management of oral thrush =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Biopsy b) Steven Johnson Syndrome c) Sideropenic dysphasia d) Angioneurotic edema
e) Xerostomic f) M.P.D.Syndrome =6x5=30marks


3. Enumerate hazards of radiation. Discuss the effects of radiation on oral tissues =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Bite-wing radiography b) Oral mucosal pigmentation’s c) Grids d) Antifungal drugs
e) Radiographic appearance of osteosarcoma f) Composition and functions of fixer solution =6x5=30m

OCTOBER, 1999.

1. Classify facial pain. Describe aetio-pathogenesis, clinical features and management of trigeminal neuralgia
2. Write short notes on: a) Cyclic Neutropenia b) Paget’s Test c) Schirmor Test
d) Erythema multiforme e) Erythroplakia f) Atrophic candidasis


3. Discuss the differential diagnosis of radiolucencies on coronal part of teeth =10marks
4. Write short notes on: a) Slob formula b) Intensifying Screens c) Osteoradio-Necrosis
d) Gustafson method of age determination e) Dental records in medico-legal matters
f) Importance of incremental lines in forensic odontology.

6th APRIL, 1999.


1. Classify ulcers of the oral mucosa. Discuss the differential diagnosis of recurrent multiple ulcers =10marks
2. Short notes: a) Atypical facial pain b) Burning mouth syndrome c) Necrotizing sialometaplasia
d) Biopsy e) Agranulocystosis f) Kaposi’s sarcoma =6x5=30marks


1. Enumerate intra-oral radiographic techniques. Describe the procedure of localizing an impacted left maxillary canine=10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Characteristic radiation b) Antiviral drugs c) Hyperparathyroidism d) Radiographic film
e) Radiation protection operator f) Ramsay Hunt Syndrome =6x5=30marks

5th OCTOBER, 1998.

1. Classify vesicobullous lesions of oral cavity and write in detail about Erythema multiforme=10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Oral exfoliative cytology b) Lichen Planus c) Id reaction d) Trigeminal neuralgia
e) Thalassemia major f) Eagle’s syndrome =6x5=30marks


3. Discuss the causes of faulty radiographs =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Dosimetry b) Intensifying screens c) Radiation caries d) Corticosteroids in dentistry
e) Radiographic appearance of Ameloblastoma f) Compten effect =6x5=30marks

6th APRIL, 1998.


1. Discuss the differential diagnosis of Oral Mucosal Pigmentation =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome b)Mumps c)Atypical facial pain
d) Odontogenic Keratocyst e) Hoarfrost’s syndrome f) Exfoliate cytology =6x5=30marks


3. Describe the procedure of periapical radiograph of mandibular central incisors using short cone technique=10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Melkerson Rosenthel syndrome b) Grids c) Coolidge’s tube d) Properties of X-rays
e) Mucous patches f) Submucous fibrosis =6x5=30marks

OCTOBER, 1997.


1. Enumerate premalignant conditions and lesions of oral mucosa. Describe in detail any two of them =10m
2. Short Notes: a) Thrush b) Bald tongue c)Ramsay Hunt syndrome d)Dysgeusia e)Erythema Multiforme


3. Describe the procedure for sialography of parotid gland =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Contents and actions of developing & fixing solutions b) X-ray tube
c) Orthopantomograph d) Radiological appearance of dental caries e) Biopsy
f) Recurrent Aphthous stomatitis =6x5=30marks

APRIL, 1997.


1. Classify facial pain. Describe in detail etiology, clinical features and management of Idiopathic Trigeminal neuralgia=10marks
2. Short Notes: a) White spongy nevus b) Eagle’s syndrome c) Clinical examination of Ulcer
d) Xerostomia e) Exfoliate cytology =5x5=25marks

3. Describe the differential diagnosis of radiolucent lesions in posterior part of body of mandible =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Regional Odontodysplasia b) Anedontia c) Intensifying screens d) Collimators
e) Pink tooth f) Grinspans syndrome =6x5=30marks

1 comment:

Kais Vadim said...

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