Time:3hours - Answer all questions - Max.70marks - Answer Part-A & B in separate answer books
1. Discuss the types of Dentin=9marks
2. Write short notes on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Age changes in pulp
b) Differences between Maxillary first premolar and mandibular first premolar
c) Clinical and microscopic features of palatal mucosa d) Minor salivary glands
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Stellate reticulum b) Hunter-Schreger bands
c) Calcitonin d) Osteoclasis e) Gingival col
5. Discuss the theories of Eruption of teeth. Write a note on shedding of deciduous teeth =9marks
6. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Ligaments of temporomandibular joint
b) Development of mandible c) Sharpey’s fibers d) Dental lamina and vestibular lamina
7. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Physiological mesial migration b) Curve of Monson
c) Sequence of eruption of permanent teeth d) Spillway spaces e) Non keratinocytes
1. Enumerate the stages of tooth development and write about the formation of root =9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Functions of saliva b) Types of cementum
c) Serous cells d) Differences between deciduous and permanent teeth
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Curve of spee b) Meckel’s cartilage
c) Effect of Vitamin-C deficiency on oral tissues d) Enamel spindle e) Functions of maxillary sinus
4. Write about specialized mucosa of the oral cavity =9m
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Occlusal surface of permanent mandibular first molar
b) Zones of pulp c) Supporting Alveolar bone d) Development of tongue
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Dimilunes b) Submerged teeth c) Neonatal line
d) Inter tubular dentin e) Transeptal fibres
1. Discuss the Hypocalcified structures in Enamel =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Stages of Deglutition
b) Occlusal surface of permanent maxillary first molar c) Theories of Dentine sensitivity
d) Alveolar bone proper
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Embrasures b) Leeway space of Nance
c) Subodontoblastic plexus of Raschkow d) Tetany e) Langerhan’s Cell
4. Discuss the cells and fibers of Periodontal Ligament =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Vermilion border of the lip b) Myo-epithelial cells
c) Procedure of Decalcification of the Tooth d) Hypercementosis
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Interglobular Dentin b) Cell rests of Malassez
c) Active and Passive eruption of Tooth d) Ligaments of Temporomandibular joint
e) Sequence of eruption of Deciduous Teeth
OCTOBER, 2004(N.R.)
1. Enumerate the difference between cellular and acellular cementum (5+4=9marks)
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Pathways of pain b) Root formation
c) Periodontal ligament d) Howships lacunae
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Nerve supply of palate b) Hertwig’s epithelial rooth sheath
c) Cementicles d) Stratum granulosum e) Pathway of taste
4. Enumerate the stages of tooth development and write about the formation of Root(2+7=9marks)
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Osteoclast b) Circumvallate papillae
c) Alveolar bone d) Cingulum
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Embrasures and ridges b) Pulp stones
c) Sharpey’s fibres d) Leeway space e) Reparative Dentin
APRIL/MAY, 2004. (N.R.)
1. Describe the structure and functions of pulp (5+4=9marks)
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16marks;
a) Effect of hormones on oral tissue b) Theories of eruption
c) Difference between serous and mucous glands d) Calcium homeostasis
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 = a) Cellular cementum b) Gingival col. c) Embrasures
d) Shedding of deciduous teeth e) Melanocyte
4. Enumerate the stage of tooth development and describe the stages (4+5=9marks)
5. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16marks;
a) Functions of saliva b) Sequence of eruption of permanent teeth
c) Chemical composition of enamel d) Bundle fibres of the periodontal membrane
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks;
a) Incisive papilla b) Fixing of sections c) Stages of deglutination
d) Tubercle of carabelli e) Alkaline phosphatase.
OCTOBER, 2003. (N.R.)
1. Describe the Calcium and phosphorous metabolism in relation to development of teeth(5+4=9m)
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =a) Theories of eruption b Functions of Saliva
c) Palmar system of notation d) Neural control of deglutition
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =a) Natal and Neonatal teeth b) Bundle bone c) Predentin
d) Circumvallate papillae e) Cellular elements of pulp.
4. Give the morphological differences between the permanent maxillary and mandibular first
5. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =a) Cap stage b) Theories of dentine sensitivity c) Wharton’s duct
d) Difference between deciduous and permanent dentition.
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =a) Granular layer of Tomes b) Serous acini c) Taste buds
d) Passive eruption e) Defense cells of pulp.
APRIL 2003.
1. Describe the histology of various types of dentin and their function =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m a) Nerve supply to tongue b) Hertwig epithelial sheath
c) Maxillary sinus d) Cemento-Enamel junction
3. Write short notes on: 5 x 2 =10marks a) Haversian system b) Greater palatine foramen
c) Mylohyoid ridge d) Articular capsule e) Embrassures
4. Enumerate the differences between deciduous and permanent teeth =9marks
1. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks
a) Paratharmone b) Marginal ridge c) Tuberosity d) Lymphnode
2. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks
a) Canine fossa b) Osteoclast c) Zone of well d) Incisive papilla e) Mental foramen
1. Describe the stages in life-cycle of an ameloblast =9marks
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16markS
a) Pulp stone b) Functions of Saliva c) Parathormone d) Inter-Globular Dentin
1. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks
a) Taste Bud b ) Contact point C) Rugae d) Mental Foramen e) Cap Stage
2. Describe the muscles of Tongue 9marks
3. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16m. a) Cemento-Enamel Junction b) Nasmyth Membrane
c) Centric Occlusion d) Inferior Alveolar Nerve
4. Write briefly on : 5 x 2 =10marks
a) Cingulum b) Vitamin C c) Meckel Cartilage d) Uvula e) Ptyalin
SECOND B.D.S. 10th AUGUST 2001.
1. Define Dentin. Describe various types of Dentin –10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Nasmyth Membrane b) Mekel Cartilage c) Cementicles d) Oblique Ridge
e) Maxillary sinus f) Cingulum =6x5=30marks
3. Discuss Morphology of Maxillary permanent first molar –10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Cap stage b) Hertwig Epithelial Root sheath c) Papillae of tongue d) Synovial fluid
e) Inferior alveolar canal f) Paratharmone =6x5=30marks
OCTOBER, 2000.
1. Write in detail about the Physiological Tooth movement =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Stages of Tooth Development b) Hypocalcified Areas of Enamel c) Fixing
d) Osteogenic Progenitor cells e)Movements of Tempero Mandibular Joint (TMJ) f) Types of Cementum
1. Classify Oral mucous Membrane and write in detail about clinical features and microscopic features of Gingiva=10m
2. Short Notes: a) Cusp of Care Belli & Tubercle of Zuckercandle b) I Branchial arch c) Mastication
d) Bonwill’s Theory of Occlusion e) Age changes of Dentin f) Ectomesenchymal cells =6x5=30marks
APRIL, 2000.
1. Write Chronology of both the Dentitions =10marks
2. Short notes: a) Cells of the Periodontal Ligament b) Decalcification c) Vitamin C d) Bell Stage
e) Myo-epithelial cell f) Theories of Eruption =6x5=30marks
3. Write in detail about life cycle of an Ameloblast and describe in detail the Amelogenesis =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Theories of Mineralization b) Embrasures c) Vermilion Border d) Cementicles
e) Intra Tubular Dentine f) Gland of Von Ebnor =6x5=30marks
OCTOBER, 1999.
1. Write in detail the differences between permanent and deciduous teeth and write a note on eruption dates of
deciduous teeth =10m
2. Write short notes on: a) Age changes in Enamel b) Clearing
c) Alkaline Phsophatase theory of Examination d) Dentine Sensitivity e) Pulp Stones f) Ridges
1. Write in detail about functions, Histology and Development of Salivary Gland =10marks
2. Write short notes on: a) Principal Fibres b) Leeway Space of Nance c) Deglutition
d) Pain Pathway of Maxillary Permanent First Molar e) Maxillary Sinus f) Palate
10th APRIL, 1999.
1. Describe Cellular Elements of Pulp =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Hertwig Epithelial Rooth sheath b) Embrassures c) Masseter Muscle
d) Volkman’s canal e) Papillae of Tongue f) Vitamin-D =6x5=30marks
1. Enumerate the composition and functions of Saliva =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Ameloblast b) Dental lamina c) Types of Cementum d) Types of Gingiva
e) Embrasures f) Osteoclast =6x5=30marks
OCTOBER, 1998.
1. Describe the Occlusal surface of Permanent Maxillary first molar and write the differences between permanent maxillary first molar and permanent maxillary second molar =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Meckel cartilage b) Serous Acini c) Ridges d) Eruption time of deciduous teeth
e) Age changes in pulp f) Embrasures =6x5=30marks
3. Classify oral mucous Membrane. Describe the layers of keratinised mucosa and add a note on gingiva =10
4. Short Notes: a) Cemento-Enamel junction b) Enamel tufts, lamellae and spindles c) Maxillary sinus
d) Curve of spee and curve of Monson e) Composition of Saliva f) Development of upper lip =6x5
APRIL, 1998.
1. Describe Morphological characteristics of Maxillary first premolar and write the differences between maxillary first premolar and maxillary second premolar =10marks
2. Short Notes- a)Embrausers b)Myoepithelial cells c)Cusp of Carabelli d)Nerve supply of maxillary teeth
e) Differences between deciduous and permanent teeth f) Supernumerary teeth =6x5=30marks
3. Describe the cap and bell stage of tooth development =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Zones of pulp b) Submerged teeth c) Inter Globular Dentin d) Deglutition
e) Hunter-schreger Bands f) Alkaline Phosphatase =6x5=30marks
10th OCTOBER, 1998.
1. Describe the morphological characteristics of permanent mandibular first molar and write the differences between permanent mandibular first molar and permanent mandibular second molar =15marks
2. Short Notes: a) FDI system of tooth notation b) Grooves c) Minor salivary gland s
d) Development of the mandible e) Mastered Muscle =5x5=25marks
3. Describe the cells and fibers of the periodontal ligament =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Dead tracts and sclerotic dentin b) COL c) Scurvy d) Alveolar Bone e) Dental Lamina =5x5
APRIL, 1997.
1. What is chronology of Deciduous and Permanent dentition =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Mandibular first molar tooth b) Embrasures c) Minor Salivary glands
d) Supernumerary teeth e) Arterial supply of Maxillary teeth =5x5=25marks
3. Describe briefly the microscopic structure of pulp =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Development of upper lip b) Lateral pterygoid muscle c) Dentional tubules
d) Mesial Drift e) Enamel f) Alkaline Phosphatase =6x5=30marks
OCTOBER, 1996.
1. Describe briefly the Tempromandibular joint. What are the movements possible in it =15marks
2. Short Notes: a) Dental formula b) Parotid salivary gland c) Wisdom tooth
d) Calcification of deciduous teeth e) Root forms of Premolar teeth =5x5=25mark
3. Describe the microscopic structure of Enamel =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Development of Tongue b) Temporalis muscle c) Dental lamina d) Haversian system
e) Cementum =5x5=25marks
APRIL, 1996.
1. What are the major contrast between deciduous and permanent teeth =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Cemento enamel junction b) Left maxillary first molar tooth c) Proximal contact areas
d) Inferior alveolar nerve e) Occlusal Curvature =5x5=25marks
1. Describe briefly the microscopic structure and functions of Periodontal ligament =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Enamel organ b) Massenter muscle c) Odontoblasts d) Simple epithelium
e) Lamina dura f) Composition of tooth =6x5=30marks
18th OCTOBER, 1995.
1. Enumerate the difference between Deciduous and permanent teeth =15marks
2. Short Notes: a) Saliva-Composition and function b) Premolars c) Dead tracts
d) Dento gingival function e) Contact Points =5x5=25marks
1. Describe theories of Eruption =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Functions of Pulp b) Nasmyth Membrane c) Fordy’s spot
d) Occlusal surface of permanent MAXILLARY FIRST MOLAR e) Sharpey’s Fibers =5x5=25
Time:3hours - Answer all questions - Max.70marks - Answer Part-A & B in separate answer books
1. Discuss the types of Dentin=9marks
2. Write short notes on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Age changes in pulp
b) Differences between Maxillary first premolar and mandibular first premolar
c) Clinical and microscopic features of palatal mucosa d) Minor salivary glands
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Stellate reticulum b) Hunter-Schreger bands
c) Calcitonin d) Osteoclasis e) Gingival col
5. Discuss the theories of Eruption of teeth. Write a note on shedding of deciduous teeth =9marks
6. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Ligaments of temporomandibular joint
b) Development of mandible c) Sharpey’s fibers d) Dental lamina and vestibular lamina
7. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Physiological mesial migration b) Curve of Monson
c) Sequence of eruption of permanent teeth d) Spillway spaces e) Non keratinocytes
1. Enumerate the stages of tooth development and write about the formation of root =9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Functions of saliva b) Types of cementum
c) Serous cells d) Differences between deciduous and permanent teeth
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Curve of spee b) Meckel’s cartilage
c) Effect of Vitamin-C deficiency on oral tissues d) Enamel spindle e) Functions of maxillary sinus
4. Write about specialized mucosa of the oral cavity =9m
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Occlusal surface of permanent mandibular first molar
b) Zones of pulp c) Supporting Alveolar bone d) Development of tongue
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Dimilunes b) Submerged teeth c) Neonatal line
d) Inter tubular dentin e) Transeptal fibres
1. Discuss the Hypocalcified structures in Enamel =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Stages of Deglutition
b) Occlusal surface of permanent maxillary first molar c) Theories of Dentine sensitivity
d) Alveolar bone proper
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Embrasures b) Leeway space of Nance
c) Subodontoblastic plexus of Raschkow d) Tetany e) Langerhan’s Cell
4. Discuss the cells and fibers of Periodontal Ligament =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Vermilion border of the lip b) Myo-epithelial cells
c) Procedure of Decalcification of the Tooth d) Hypercementosis
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Interglobular Dentin b) Cell rests of Malassez
c) Active and Passive eruption of Tooth d) Ligaments of Temporomandibular joint
e) Sequence of eruption of Deciduous Teeth
OCTOBER, 2004(N.R.)
1. Enumerate the difference between cellular and acellular cementum (5+4=9marks)
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Pathways of pain b) Root formation
c) Periodontal ligament d) Howships lacunae
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Nerve supply of palate b) Hertwig’s epithelial rooth sheath
c) Cementicles d) Stratum granulosum e) Pathway of taste
4. Enumerate the stages of tooth development and write about the formation of Root(2+7=9marks)
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Osteoclast b) Circumvallate papillae
c) Alveolar bone d) Cingulum
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Embrasures and ridges b) Pulp stones
c) Sharpey’s fibres d) Leeway space e) Reparative Dentin
APRIL/MAY, 2004. (N.R.)
1. Describe the structure and functions of pulp (5+4=9marks)
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16marks;
a) Effect of hormones on oral tissue b) Theories of eruption
c) Difference between serous and mucous glands d) Calcium homeostasis
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 = a) Cellular cementum b) Gingival col. c) Embrasures
d) Shedding of deciduous teeth e) Melanocyte
4. Enumerate the stage of tooth development and describe the stages (4+5=9marks)
5. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16marks;
a) Functions of saliva b) Sequence of eruption of permanent teeth
c) Chemical composition of enamel d) Bundle fibres of the periodontal membrane
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks;
a) Incisive papilla b) Fixing of sections c) Stages of deglutination
d) Tubercle of carabelli e) Alkaline phosphatase.
OCTOBER, 2003. (N.R.)
1. Describe the Calcium and phosphorous metabolism in relation to development of teeth(5+4=9m)
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =a) Theories of eruption b Functions of Saliva
c) Palmar system of notation d) Neural control of deglutition
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =a) Natal and Neonatal teeth b) Bundle bone c) Predentin
d) Circumvallate papillae e) Cellular elements of pulp.
4. Give the morphological differences between the permanent maxillary and mandibular first
5. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =a) Cap stage b) Theories of dentine sensitivity c) Wharton’s duct
d) Difference between deciduous and permanent dentition.
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =a) Granular layer of Tomes b) Serous acini c) Taste buds
d) Passive eruption e) Defense cells of pulp.
APRIL 2003.
1. Describe the histology of various types of dentin and their function =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m a) Nerve supply to tongue b) Hertwig epithelial sheath
c) Maxillary sinus d) Cemento-Enamel junction
3. Write short notes on: 5 x 2 =10marks a) Haversian system b) Greater palatine foramen
c) Mylohyoid ridge d) Articular capsule e) Embrassures
4. Enumerate the differences between deciduous and permanent teeth =9marks
1. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks
a) Paratharmone b) Marginal ridge c) Tuberosity d) Lymphnode
2. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks
a) Canine fossa b) Osteoclast c) Zone of well d) Incisive papilla e) Mental foramen
1. Describe the stages in life-cycle of an ameloblast =9marks
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16markS
a) Pulp stone b) Functions of Saliva c) Parathormone d) Inter-Globular Dentin
1. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks
a) Taste Bud b ) Contact point C) Rugae d) Mental Foramen e) Cap Stage
2. Describe the muscles of Tongue 9marks
3. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16m. a) Cemento-Enamel Junction b) Nasmyth Membrane
c) Centric Occlusion d) Inferior Alveolar Nerve
4. Write briefly on : 5 x 2 =10marks
a) Cingulum b) Vitamin C c) Meckel Cartilage d) Uvula e) Ptyalin
SECOND B.D.S. 10th AUGUST 2001.
1. Define Dentin. Describe various types of Dentin –10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Nasmyth Membrane b) Mekel Cartilage c) Cementicles d) Oblique Ridge
e) Maxillary sinus f) Cingulum =6x5=30marks
3. Discuss Morphology of Maxillary permanent first molar –10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Cap stage b) Hertwig Epithelial Root sheath c) Papillae of tongue d) Synovial fluid
e) Inferior alveolar canal f) Paratharmone =6x5=30marks
OCTOBER, 2000.
1. Write in detail about the Physiological Tooth movement =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Stages of Tooth Development b) Hypocalcified Areas of Enamel c) Fixing
d) Osteogenic Progenitor cells e)Movements of Tempero Mandibular Joint (TMJ) f) Types of Cementum
1. Classify Oral mucous Membrane and write in detail about clinical features and microscopic features of Gingiva=10m
2. Short Notes: a) Cusp of Care Belli & Tubercle of Zuckercandle b) I Branchial arch c) Mastication
d) Bonwill’s Theory of Occlusion e) Age changes of Dentin f) Ectomesenchymal cells =6x5=30marks
APRIL, 2000.
1. Write Chronology of both the Dentitions =10marks
2. Short notes: a) Cells of the Periodontal Ligament b) Decalcification c) Vitamin C d) Bell Stage
e) Myo-epithelial cell f) Theories of Eruption =6x5=30marks
3. Write in detail about life cycle of an Ameloblast and describe in detail the Amelogenesis =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Theories of Mineralization b) Embrasures c) Vermilion Border d) Cementicles
e) Intra Tubular Dentine f) Gland of Von Ebnor =6x5=30marks
OCTOBER, 1999.
1. Write in detail the differences between permanent and deciduous teeth and write a note on eruption dates of
deciduous teeth =10m
2. Write short notes on: a) Age changes in Enamel b) Clearing
c) Alkaline Phsophatase theory of Examination d) Dentine Sensitivity e) Pulp Stones f) Ridges
1. Write in detail about functions, Histology and Development of Salivary Gland =10marks
2. Write short notes on: a) Principal Fibres b) Leeway Space of Nance c) Deglutition
d) Pain Pathway of Maxillary Permanent First Molar e) Maxillary Sinus f) Palate
10th APRIL, 1999.
1. Describe Cellular Elements of Pulp =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Hertwig Epithelial Rooth sheath b) Embrassures c) Masseter Muscle
d) Volkman’s canal e) Papillae of Tongue f) Vitamin-D =6x5=30marks
1. Enumerate the composition and functions of Saliva =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Ameloblast b) Dental lamina c) Types of Cementum d) Types of Gingiva
e) Embrasures f) Osteoclast =6x5=30marks
OCTOBER, 1998.
1. Describe the Occlusal surface of Permanent Maxillary first molar and write the differences between permanent maxillary first molar and permanent maxillary second molar =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Meckel cartilage b) Serous Acini c) Ridges d) Eruption time of deciduous teeth
e) Age changes in pulp f) Embrasures =6x5=30marks
3. Classify oral mucous Membrane. Describe the layers of keratinised mucosa and add a note on gingiva =10
4. Short Notes: a) Cemento-Enamel junction b) Enamel tufts, lamellae and spindles c) Maxillary sinus
d) Curve of spee and curve of Monson e) Composition of Saliva f) Development of upper lip =6x5
APRIL, 1998.
1. Describe Morphological characteristics of Maxillary first premolar and write the differences between maxillary first premolar and maxillary second premolar =10marks
2. Short Notes- a)Embrausers b)Myoepithelial cells c)Cusp of Carabelli d)Nerve supply of maxillary teeth
e) Differences between deciduous and permanent teeth f) Supernumerary teeth =6x5=30marks
3. Describe the cap and bell stage of tooth development =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Zones of pulp b) Submerged teeth c) Inter Globular Dentin d) Deglutition
e) Hunter-schreger Bands f) Alkaline Phosphatase =6x5=30marks
10th OCTOBER, 1998.
1. Describe the morphological characteristics of permanent mandibular first molar and write the differences between permanent mandibular first molar and permanent mandibular second molar =15marks
2. Short Notes: a) FDI system of tooth notation b) Grooves c) Minor salivary gland s
d) Development of the mandible e) Mastered Muscle =5x5=25marks
3. Describe the cells and fibers of the periodontal ligament =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Dead tracts and sclerotic dentin b) COL c) Scurvy d) Alveolar Bone e) Dental Lamina =5x5
APRIL, 1997.
1. What is chronology of Deciduous and Permanent dentition =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Mandibular first molar tooth b) Embrasures c) Minor Salivary glands
d) Supernumerary teeth e) Arterial supply of Maxillary teeth =5x5=25marks
3. Describe briefly the microscopic structure of pulp =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Development of upper lip b) Lateral pterygoid muscle c) Dentional tubules
d) Mesial Drift e) Enamel f) Alkaline Phosphatase =6x5=30marks
OCTOBER, 1996.
1. Describe briefly the Tempromandibular joint. What are the movements possible in it =15marks
2. Short Notes: a) Dental formula b) Parotid salivary gland c) Wisdom tooth
d) Calcification of deciduous teeth e) Root forms of Premolar teeth =5x5=25mark
3. Describe the microscopic structure of Enamel =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Development of Tongue b) Temporalis muscle c) Dental lamina d) Haversian system
e) Cementum =5x5=25marks
APRIL, 1996.
1. What are the major contrast between deciduous and permanent teeth =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Cemento enamel junction b) Left maxillary first molar tooth c) Proximal contact areas
d) Inferior alveolar nerve e) Occlusal Curvature =5x5=25marks
1. Describe briefly the microscopic structure and functions of Periodontal ligament =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Enamel organ b) Massenter muscle c) Odontoblasts d) Simple epithelium
e) Lamina dura f) Composition of tooth =6x5=30marks
18th OCTOBER, 1995.
1. Enumerate the difference between Deciduous and permanent teeth =15marks
2. Short Notes: a) Saliva-Composition and function b) Premolars c) Dead tracts
d) Dento gingival function e) Contact Points =5x5=25marks
1. Describe theories of Eruption =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Functions of Pulp b) Nasmyth Membrane c) Fordy’s spot
d) Occlusal surface of permanent MAXILLARY FIRST MOLAR e) Sharpey’s Fibers =5x5=25
tanx alot.....:)
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