01 November, 2008

1st BDS Physiology and microbiology


Time: 3hours Max.Marks: 70 Answer all questions
1. Define arterial blood pressure and describe the regulation of blood pressure=9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Deglutition b) Surfactant
c) What hormone regulates calcium absorption in the intestine? d) Reflex action
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m; a) Movements of small intestines and its physiological significance
b) How many Heart sounds are there? Explain briefly its mechanism
c) Factors involved in the interchange of gases in alveoli d) Calcitonin e) Lower motor Neuron lesion
4. What is normal blood glucose level? Discuss the role of hormones in regulating blood glucose level=9
5. Write short notes: 4 x 4 =; a) Regulation of serum calcium level b) Lipoproteins and their functions
c) Role of kidney in regulating pH of blood d) Deficiency symptoms of Vit.A
6. Write briefly: 5 x 2 =; a)Glycosuria b)Conezyme forms of Nicotinic acid and their metabolic functions
c) Bile salts and their functions d) Provitamins

AUGUST-2005 – N.R.
Part-A (Human Physiology)
1. What is hemostasis? Describe the factors regulating hemostasis. Name two bleeding disorders=9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Functions of liver b) Processing of pain in the spinal cord
c) Regulation of blood pressure d) Glucocorticoids
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks
a) Hypoxia b) Neuromuscular transmission c) Rods and cones d) Rickets
e) Functions of proximal tubule
Part-B (Biochemistry)
4. Write the dietary sources, daily requirements, functions of calcium. How serum calcium level is
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Essential fatty acids and their functions
b) What are isoenzymes? Give two examples and their diagnostic importance
c) Give the functional classifications of proteins with examples d) Glycogen storage disorders
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks;
a) What is gluconeogenesis? Name the key enzymes of gluconeogenesis. b) Ketone bodies
c) Coenzyme forms of Vit.B12 and their metabolic functions d) Vit. D resistant rickets
e) What is calorie? Give the calorific values of foodstuff.


Part-A (Human Physiology)
1. Describe the different phases of deglutition and their regulation =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Coagulation of blood b) Temperature regulation
c) Ovulation d) Insulin
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Anemia b) Venous retum c) Baroreceptors
d) Tetany e) Functions of distal convoluted tubule
Part-B (Biochemistry)
4. Describe the formation and fate of ammonia=9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Biologically important peptides
b) IUB Classification of enzymes c) Glycolysis d) Calcium homeostasis
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Enzymes of diagnostic importance in liver diseases
b) Significance of HMP pathway c) Formation of ketone bodies d) Atherosclerosis
e) Biochemical functions of Selenium


Part-A (Human Physiology)
1. What are the hormones that regulate the Calcium metabolism. Describe regulation of one hormone in
detail =9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Regulation of Salivary secretion
b) Regulation of muscle tone c) Electrocardiograph d) Antidiuretic hormone
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Functions of platelets b) Vital capacity
c) Chemoreceptors d) Goiter e) Glomerular Filtration
Part-B (Biochemistry)
4. Define glycosis. Describe anaerobic glycolysis mentioning the bio-energetics=9m
5. Write short notes on: a) Absorption and transport of iron b) Oral glucose tolerance test
c) Functions of plasma proteins. d) Synthesis and functions of 1,25 Dihydroxy cholecalci-ferol
6. Write briefly on: a) Pellagra b) Give the sources and functions of Iodine
c) Renal Glycosuria d) Semi essential amino acids
e) Give normal values for the following: I) Serum Calcium II) Serum Cholesterol.

1. Write in detail the formation of urine =9marks
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Pathway for pain b) Phases of gastric secretion
c) Conduction of Cardiac Impulse d) Testosterone and its actions.
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Taste Buds b) Blood groups c) Anticoagulants
d) Centres for respiration e) Hormones of Posterior Pituitory.
4. What is the normal blood urea level. Describe the synthesis and fate of urea in our body =9marks
5. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Hormones that regulate Blood sugar b) Iso Enzymes
c) Transamination d) Deficiency of Vitamin ‘D’
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Galactosemia b) Bile Pigements c) Serum Cholesterol
d) Blood buffers e) Heparin

OCTOBER, 2003. (N.R.)
Part-A (Human Physiology)
1. What is the normal blood pressure? How is it regulated in human body =9marks
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16marks;
a) List the hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary. How are they released.
b) What is the importance of papillary reaction? What is your interpretation if the pupil is dilated and fixed.
c) What is the role played by Juxta Medullary Apparatus.
d) Where do you find receptors for taste and how are they stimulated. Give their function.
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) What are the components of Reflex arc?
b) List four functions of Saliva c) Mention the types of movements observed in the small intestine.
d) Explain the role of the alveolar surfactant in the normal functioning of the lung
e) What are the effects of mismatched blood transfusion.
Part-B (Biochemistry)
4. Describe the factors affecting the activity of Enzymes. Write a note on clinical importance of Enzymes
5. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Riboflavin b) Mucopolysaccharides
c) Detection of Ketone Bodies in the urine d) Creatine Phosphokinase
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Bile salts b) Normal pH of Serum
c) Importance of Electrophoresis d) Met Hemoglobin e) Differences between CPS-I and CPS-II

Part-A (Human Physiology)
1. What are the stages in Deglutition? Describe them, in detail with a note on Dysphagia =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks
a) Functions of Placenta b) Rh.Incompatability c) J.G.apparatus d) Artificial respiration
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =a) Types of lymphocytes b) Heart Sounds c) Neuron
d) Types of synapse e) Functions of cerebellum
4. Name the abnormal constituents of urine and the pathological conditions where they are seen ? How will you detect sugar in the urine =9marks
5. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16marks
a) Name the aromatic amino acids and inborn errors in any One of them. b) Glycogen
c) Enzymes related to myocardial infarction d) Deficiency manifestations of thiamine
6. Write brief answers on: 5 x 2 =10marks
a) Name the non-reducing sugar. What are the components?
b) What is ‘good’ cholesterol? Why ios it so called
c) What are polyunsaturated fatty acids? Give examples and mention its clinical importance
d) Name two antioxidants and their functions
e) What is the normal serum level of Bilirubin? Name the pathological conditions where it is raised.

Part-A ( Human Physiology )
1. Give the composition of blood and explain the importance of plasma =9marks
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16marks
a) Respiratory muscles b) Functions of Liver c) Parathyroid hormone d) Enumerate the functions of Skin.
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks
a) Name the ovarian Hormones b) Receptors for vision c) Hormones regulating Blood Glucose
d) Muscles of Inspiration e) Properties of Cardiac Muscle

FIRST B.D.S. – 08th AUGUST, 2001.
Time-3hrs, Marks.80 – Answer all questions – Answer Part-A & B in separate answer books
Part-A – Physiology
1. Where are the Respiratory centers located. How is respiration regulated by neural and chemical
2. Short Notes: a) Blood groups b) Composition and functions of saliva c) ECG
d) Pain Pathway e) Myxodema f) Functions of kjdney 6x5=30marks
Part-B – Biochemistry
1. Describe the sources, biochemical functions, daily requirement &deficiency manifestations of
Vitamin-D =10m
2. Short Notes: a) Blood buffers b) Poly unsaturated fatty acids c) Renal glycosuria
d) Serum cholesterol e) Enzyme action f) Detection of sugar in the urine

6th FEBRUARY 2000.
Part-A – Physiology
1. Draw and describe the neural regulation of respiration =10marks
2. Short notes: a) Functions of Gall bladder b) Antidiuretic hormone on renal tubule
c) Functions of plasma proteins
d) Mention three distinctive properties of the cardiac muscle. Explains the basis of anyone.
e) Accommodation by the eye f) Draw and label pyramidal pathway -6x5=30marks
Part-B – Biochemistry
1. Name the hormones that increase the blood glucose level. Explain the mechanism in any one of them =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Lipilytic enzymes of the alimentary tract. B) Citric acid cycle
c) Explain Van Den bergh test d) Mention reactions where reduced NADP is required
e) Vitamin A deficiency symptoms f) Normal pH of blood =6x5=30marks

6th OCTOBER, 1999.
Part-A (Human Physiology)
1. What is cardiac output? Enumerate the methods of determining it in man =10marks
2. Write short notes on: 6x5=30marks
a) Reticulocyte b) Seat of fatigue c) Vital capacity d) Parathormone
e) Pregnancy test f) Cerebro-spinal fluid
Part-B (Biochemistry)
3. Give an account of the steps of the Citric Acid cycle. Explain why it is known as Terminal
Oxidative Pathway =10marks
4. Write short notes on: 6x5=30marks
a) Bile salts b) What is the role of gastric juice in protein digestion
c) Standard urea clearance d) Renal threshold for glucose
e) Absorption of fat f) Vitamin-B12

8th APRIL, 1999.
Part-A (Physiology)
1. Describe the phase of gastric secretion. What is the composition of gastric juice =10marks
2. Write short notes on: 6x5=30marks
a) Neutrophil leucocyte b) Safe period c) Role of calcium d) Changes in one cardiac cycle
e) Functions of cerebro spinal fluid f) Organ of Corti
Part-B (Biochemistry)
3. Name the Polysaccharides present in your diet. Describe the digestion, absorption of any one of
them in the body. How will you detect sugar in the urine =10marks
4. Write short notes on: 6x5=30marks
a) Cerebrosides b) Prostaglandins c) Ceruloplasmin d) Pyridoxal phosphate
e) S.G.O.T. f) Bile salts

OCTOBER, 1998.
Part-A (Physiology)
1. Give an account of the nervous control of respiration =10marks
2. Write short notes on: 6x5=30marks
a) Special junctional tissues of the heart b) Mismatched blood transfusion reaction
c) Functions of the middle ear d) Cretin
e) Synapse f) Role of bile salts in digestion
Part-B (Biochemistry)
3. What are bile salts and bile pigments? How are they identified in the urine? Describe the
Biochemical tests done in a case of jaundice. What is the normal level of serum bilirubin =10m
4. Write short notes on: 6x5=30marks
a) Ketone bodies b) Good cholesterol c) Transamination
d) Deficiency manifestations of Vitamin-A e) Heparin f) Serum Alkaline phsophatase

APRIL, 1998.
Part-A (Physiology)
1. Define blood pressure. Mention the important factors controlling it. =10marks
2. Write short notes on: 6x5=30marks a) Nephron b) Reflex arc c) Taste Receptors
d) Chemical regulation of respiration e) Oxytocin f) Rigor Mortis
Part-B (Biochemistry)
3. What are disaccharides. Give examples how will you identify them in the laboratory. What is the
normal level of Glucose in Blood =10marks
4. Write short notes on: 6x5=30marks a) Amylose and Amylopectin b) Colloid and Emulsion
c) Saturated and unsaturated Fat d) Albumin and Globulin e) DNA & RNA f) Ascrobic acid

OCTOBER, 1997.
Part-A – Physiology
1. Describe the mechanism of coagulation. Name two anti-coagulants =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Hoeostasis b) Describe the phases of Menstrual cycle c) Myopia
d)Functions of Frontal lobe e) Draw and label a normal Electro Cardio gram. What is P-R interval
f) Peristalsis =6x5=30marks
Part-B – Biochemistry
3. Give an account of the source, metabolic functions, daily requirement, deficiency manifestations of Vitamin-C=10m
4. Write briefly on: a) Enzyme poisons b) Ketone bodies c) Fate of Bilirubin in the body
d) Structure and properties of cholesterol e) Detection of Fructose in the urine
f) Lactic acid dehydrogenase=5x5

APRIL 1997.
Part-A – Physiology
1. Give an account of mechanism of regulation of arterial blood pressure =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) How are white blood corpules (W.B.C.) classified? What are the functions?
b) What is the function of gall bladder c) Describe a nephron and enumerate the functions of each part
d) Draw and label the taste pathway e) Describe the functions of placenta =5x5=25marks

Part-B – Biochemistry
3. Outline the steps ( schematically) involved in TCA cycle with enzymes and cofactors =10marks
4. Short Notes:a) Gastric Hcl b) Starch Hydrolysis c) Deficiency manifestations of Vitamin D
d) Bile salts e) Polyunsaturated Fatty acids f) Serum Alkaline Phosphates =6x5=30marks

OCTOBER, 1996.
Part-A (Physiology)
1. Describe the structure and functions of voluntary muscle (skeletal muscle). How does it differ from
cardiac muscle =10marks
2. Write briefly on the following: 6x5=30marks a) Cartoid sinus b) Describe the stages of deglutition
c) What is the physiological basis of contraceptive pill method?
d) What is the role played by platelets e) Organ of Corte
f) Describe the neurone and enumerate the functions.
Part-B (Biochemistry)
3. How is urea formed in the body? =10marks
4. Write short notes on: 6x5=30marks
a) Serum cholesterol b) Abnormal constituents of urine c) Role of iron in the body d) NADP
e) Mention the normal level of:
1. Serum calcium and serum phosphorous 2. Serum Na & K
3. SGOT and SGPT 4. Serum creatinine and serum cholesterol 5. Blood sugar and urea.

APRIL, 1996.
1. Give an account of the structure and functions of skin =10marks
2. Write short notes on: 5x5=25marks
a) Discuss briefly the functions of plasma proteins
b) Define stroke volume. Mention the factors regulating cardiac output
c) Briefly give the composition and functions of pancreatic juice
d) Outline the chemical factors controlling respiration e) Write a briefly on parathormone.
3. How are proteins digested. Indicate the specific site at which protealytic enzymes act. Add a note on
Amino acid pool =10marks
4. Write short notes on: 6x5=30marks
a) Various lipoproteins circulating in human plasma and their function.
b) Draw and normal G.T.T.Curve and compare it with different diabetic conditions.
c) Name two reactions in which the following Coenzymes participate: a) NADPH b) BIOTIN
d) What is the normal calcium level in blood? How is it regulated?
e) sComponents of electron transport chain and sites of ATP formation.


$h!khA said...

thanxx sweetz..i really needed dem......
thanxx for da help...........
u r great....

Unknown said...

thanks for the help..... is there anyone who is doing there first year bds would like to make friend with me..........then sent a email to siraj_2537@yahoo.com

roshini said...

this is roshi dng my 1st yr bds m happy n thnks for the info of ques gvn here this is useful for all bds students.
thnkng you,

Anonymous said...

thanx............very much........ hiiii i

hiiii .i m ankit patel from govt. denatl clg, ahmdabad

Unknown said...

thanks to give useful tips

Unknown said...

Great work