01 November, 2008

4th BDS Pedodontia and Preventive Dentistry



1. Define growth and development. What are the theories of Growth? How growth disturbances can cause
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Oral-Screen b) Diagnostic Aids c) Retention appliances
d) Leeway space of nance
3. Write briefly on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Chin-Cap b) Supplemental Teeth c) Carpal Index
d) Optimum Orthodontic Force e) Components of Removable appliance
4. Define anchorage. Classify orthodontic anchorage and explain with examples=9m
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Max.Middle Diastema b) Theories of Eruption
c) Methods of gaining space in dental arch d) Carey’s analysis
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m; a) Inclined plane b) Disadvantages of removable appliances
c) Bionator d) Panoramic Radiographics e) Simon’s Classification

OCT./NOV.2005 (N.R.)

1. Discuss clinical picture of skeletal angle’s class III malocclusion and its clinical management =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Ugly duckling stage b) Therapeutic extractions
c) Open bite d) Space maintainers
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2=a) Rotation b) Occlusal plane c) Adams clasp d) Angle SNA e) Canine retractors
4. Define malocclusions. Classify etiology of malocclusions. Discuss clinical picture and management of
thumb-sucking habit =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Validity of Angle’s classification b) Orthodontic Study models
c) F.R.II appliance d) Pubertal growth spurt
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Mandibular plane b) Angle SNB c) Pont’s model analysis
d) Tissue changes on pressure side e) Advantages of removable orthodontic appliances

MAR/APR.2005 – N.R.
1. Discuss pre-natal and post-natal growth of mandible and its clinical application in orthodontics=9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Tweed’s triangle b) Rapid maxillary expansion
c) I-O-X rays in orthodontics d) Trajectories of occlusal forces
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Pont’s analysis (Pont’s) b) Bolton plane
c) Coffin spring d) Soldering and welding e) ‘Y’ Axis angle
4. Discuss the various tissue changes taking place during orthodontic tooth movement=9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Bite plane appliances b) Components of fixed appliance
c) F.H.plane d) Primate spaces
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Incisal liability b) Cleft lip c) Acromegaly
d) Inter incisal angle e) Wolf’s Law

OCTOBER, 2004.
1. Define Anchorage. Discuss classification of Anchorage. Explain Intermaxillary Anchorage=9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Leeway space of Nance b) Incisal Liability
c) ‘Y’ Axis Angle d) Ideal requisites of Orthodontic Appliance
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Study Models b) Trajectories c) Occlusal X-ray
d) Oral Screen e) Expansion Appliances.
4. Discuss the various stages of development of occlusion, from birth to adolescent =9m
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Thumb sucking habit b) Mandibular Retrognathism
c) Self supporting springs d) Therapeutic Extractions in Orthodontics
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Flush Terminal Plane b) Carey’s Model Analysis
c) Bite Plane Appliances d) Pericision e) S-N-B Angle

1. Enumerate the aetiological factors causing mouth breathing and tongue thrust in children and discuss the
line the treatment =9marks
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 a) Head gear b) Lip bumper c) Pericision d) Primate space
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m a) Tweed’s analysis b) Growth spurts c) 18-8 stainless stell
d) Irreversible hydrocolloids
4. What are functional appliances. Give examples. Discuss any one appliance in detail =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 a) Y-Axis b) Model Analysis c) Hand-Wrist X-ray
d) Midline diastema
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 a) Posterior cross bite b) ANB angle c) Incisor liability
d) Solder and flux e) Oral Screen


1. Enumerate the aetiological factors causing mouth breathing and tongue thrust in children and discuss the
line of treatment =10marks
2. Write short notes on: 6 x 5 =30marks a) Head gear b) Lip bumper c) Pericison
d) Primate space e) Growth spurts f) Fixed retainer
3. What are the functional appliances give examples. Discuss any one appliance in detail. =9marks
4. Write short notes on: 6 x 5 a) ‘Y’ Axis b) Model analysis c) Hand-Wrist X-ray
d) Midline diastema e) ANB angle f) Solder and flux

(New Regulations) - OCTOBER, 2002

1. Discuss the local causes for Mal occlusion =9marks
2. Write short answers on: a) Synchondrosis b) Deep Bite c)Space Maintainer d)Ugly Duckling stage=16
3. Write briefly: 5 x 2- a) Primate Spacing b) SNA Aangle c) Parts of fixed appliance d)Occlusal X-Ray
e) Classification of functional appliance
4. What is Classification? Discuss the different classification on Mal Occlusion. What is the latest classification on Mal Occlusion =9marks
5. Write short answers: a)Hand-wrist X-ray b)Growth Spurt c)18-8 Stainless Steel d)Cleft Lip & Palate
6. Briefly: 5 x 2=a)Cross Bite b)Sutural Growth c)ANB Angle d)Skeletal Mal Occlusion e)Borderline case

OCTOBER, 2002 ( Old Regulations) -

1. Define Anchorage. Discuss the different types of Anchorage with example for each =10marks
2. Write short notes : 6x5 - a) Oral Screen b) Interseptive orthodontics c) Torque force d) Chin cap e) Cephalogram f) Optimum orthodontic force
3. Discuss Heredity as a cause for mal occlusion =10marks
4. Write short notes on: 6x5 - a) Angle’s classification on mal occlusion b) Chronological age
c) Edge wise appliance d) Cervical Traction e) Differential force technique f) Buccinator Mechanism

18th APRIL, 2001.

1. Describe in detail about extractions in Orthodontics. Give your choice of teeth for extractions with reasons
2. Short Notes: a) Hand wrist radiographs b) Reciprocal anchorage c) Labial Bows d) Midlines Diastoma
e) Study models f) Relapse =6x5=30marks
Part-B3. Define growth and development, name and describe the various theories of eruption of teeth =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Soldering and welding b) Direct Bowling c) Part of fixed appliance
d) Ugly duckling stage e) Oral screen f) Clinical features of CL. II div.2 =6x5=30m

OCTOBER, 2000.

1. Describe in detail about different methods of classification of mal occlusion. Describe the basis, merits and demerits of Angle’s classification =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Anchorage b) Adam’s Clasp c) Mode analysis d) Aims of Orthodontics
e) Functional Regulators f) Orthodontic springs =6x5=30marks
3. Define Cephalometrics. Describe in detail about its advantages and disadvantages, uses in the field of orthodontics=10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Thumb sucking b) Functional Matrix theory c) lee way space d) Deep over bite
e) Diagnostic aids f) Retention and its necessity =6x5=30marks

APRIL, 2000.

1. What are the six keys of normal occlusion. State how Ackerman-Profit system is an improvement over Angle’s Classification=10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Sucking and suckling b) Components of fixed appliance c) Oral screen
d) Occlusal Radiograph e) Cephalo Stat f) FMA Angle =6x5=30m

3. State the principles of Andresen appliance. Discuss in detail indications, contra-indications, uses and construction=10m
4. Short Notes: a) Icisal Liability b) Lower Anterior Crowding c) Canine Retractors
d) Pubertal Growth periods e) Permanent Retention f) Intrusion =6x5=30marks

15th OCTOBER, 1999.

1. Define preventive Orthodontics. Discuss the various treatment plan given under the preventive orthodontics =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Anterior open bite b) Elastics c) Extraction in Orthodontics d) Arch perimeter analysis
e) Draw packs of Angle’s classification f) Distal shoe space maintainer =6x5=30marks
3. Discuss the various diagnostic aids used in Orthodontics =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Adam’s Clasp b) Spot Welder c)Arch wire d)SNA Angle e) Functional Regulator
f) Carpal index

17th APRIL, 1999.

1. Define Mal Occlusion. Discuss the etiology of Mal occlusion =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Synchondrosis b) Lee way space c) Anterior Cross Bite d) Midliae Diastoma
e) Growth curve f) ANB Angle =6x5=30marks
3. Discuss the treatment plan for Angle’s Class II Mal occlusion patients in the mixed dentition period =10m
4. Short Notes: a) Slow Expansion Appliance b) Terratogen c) Mouth Breathing d) Deep Bite
e) Ortho Pantomogram f) Curve of spee =6x5=30marks

16th OCTOBER, 1998.

1. Define Interceptive Orthodontics. Describe in detail about serial Extractions =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Anchorage in orthodontics b) Retention and relapse c) Functional Regulators
d) Study models e) Growth spurts f) Modes analysis for mixed dentition =6x5=30marks
3. Describe in detail about Extractions in Orthodontics =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Genetics in Orthodontics b) Anterior open bite c) Fixed appliances
d) Undermining Resorption e) Rapid Palatal expansion f) Thumb sucking habit =6x5=30

17th APRIL, 1998.

1. Define Orthodontics. Describe about AIMS and scope of Orthodontics. =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Local factors in Etiology of Mal-Occlusion b) Model Analysis c) Removable appliances
d) Orthodontics springs e) Growth spurts f) Preventive Orthodontics =6x5=30marks
3. What are Mayo functional appliances. Describe in detail about preparation and uses of oral screen =10m
4. Short Notes: a) Retention and Retainers b) Clinical features of CI, III Mal occlusion
c) Theories of tooth movement d) Simon’s classification of Mal occlusion
e) Management of cleft lip and palate

17th OCTOBER, 1997.

1. Describe in detail pre & post natal growth of mandible =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Oral screen b) Muscle exercises c) Tongue thrusting habit d) Aims of Orthodontics
e) Midlime diastema and its causes =5x5=25marks
3. Describe about extractions in Orthodontics with reasons =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Frankel’s appliance b) Fixed appliance c) Anterior open bite
d) Under mining bone resorption e) Robert’s Retractor f) Validity of Angel’s Classification =6x5

APRIL, 1997.
1. What are the reasons for Extractions in Orthodontics? Discuss the choice of teeth for Extractions =10m
2. Short Notes: a) Growth spurts b) Midline Diastema c) Springs to bring about Mesio Distal d) ‘Y’ Axis
e) Modes analysis for Mixed Dentition =5x5=25marks
3. What are functional Appliances? Give examples. Describe the Trimming and Mechanisms of Actions of Anderson’s Appliance =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Fixed appliances verses Removable appliance b) Hawley’s Retainer
c) Hand-Wrist Radiographs d) Extra oral Anchorage e) Thumb sucking habit
f) Fixed space maintainers =6x5=30mark

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pedo question papers missing in this link,ortho papers are coming while clicking..anyways thanks for posting the question papers..good work