01 November, 2008

4th BDS Oral and Maxillofacial surgery



1. Write the clinical features, etiology and management of Ludwig’s Angina and note on systemic
2. Write short notes: 4 x 4 ; a)Local anaesthetic agent pharmacology b)Inferior Alveolar Block-Not aching
c) Haemophilia patient for Dental extraction d) Chronic osteomyelitis of Mandible
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m; a) Healing of Extraction wound b) Alveolopathy
c) Impacted Tooth d) Implants e) Gaseous Anaesthetic agent


4. Write about facial proportions and note about class II and III prognathism and method to plan treatment by
Orthognatic surgery=9m
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Open Cap Splint Osteosynthesis
b) Champy’s Osteosynthesis line for monocortical plating c) Blow out fracture of orbit
d) Premalignant conditions
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m; a) Residual cyst b) Adenocarcinoma for minor salivary gland in palate
c) Radiotherapy for oral carcinoma d) Apert’s syndrome e) Implant supported prosthesis



1. Discuss in detail indications, contra-indications, principles followed in Dental extraction of teeth. Note on
complication =9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) General Anaesthesia vs.Local Anaesthesia
b) Posterior superior alveolar nerve block Anaesthesia c) Analgesics for oro-facial pain d) Dry socket
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Syncope b) Prophylactic antibiotic therapy
c) Masticatory space infection d) Suturing e) Biopsy


4. Write the clinical feature and treatment of Le Fort III fractures of Midface=9m
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =a) Gunning splint b) Trigeminal Neuralgia c) Subluxation d) Sialadenitis
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Mucocele b) Staging of tumour c) Odontogenic Keratocyst
d) Cleft lip and palate protocol e) Inter positional arthroplasty



1. Discuss about pharmacology, composition and indication for use of local anaesthetic agent. Write a note on
complications of inferior alveolar nerve block anaesthesia =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Pre-medication b) Open method extraction of tooth
c) Post extraction Haemorrhage management d) Elevators
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Anaphylaxis b) Sterilization c) Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis
d) Classification of impacted 3rd molar tooth e) Apicoectomy


4. Write the golden hour of trauma importance and note on protocol to be followed in Root traffic accident
victim management and on Life support system =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Condylar fracture of Mandible
b) Nerve injuries following trauma in facial region c) Ankylosis treatment protocol
d) Mixed tumour of Parotid gland
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m; a) Periapical cyst b) Oro antral fistula c) Functional neck dissection
d) Bell’s palsy e) Treatment for Mandibular prognathism

OCTOBER, 2004.


1. Enumerate in detail the course of Mandibular branch of Trigeminal Nerve and explain the technique of
classical pterygomandibular nerve block =9marks;
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Composition of local Anaesthetic solution
b) Management of post extraction haemorrhage c) Presurgical Antibiotic prophylaxis
d) Autologus Blood Transfussion
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Classification of Osteomyelitis of Jaw bones
b) Medical Management of Trigeminal Neuralgia c) Moist heat Sterilization d) Diazepam
e) Mandibular Ridge-Augmentation


4. Classify features of zygomatico complex and write about the clinical features and management of fracture
of zygomatic arch =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Pre-auricular approacyh to temporomandibular joint
b) Transalveolar Extraction c) Marsupalization d) Ludwig’s Angina
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Suture Materials b) Principle of Elevators c) Eyelet wiring
d) Classification of Mandibular Condylar Fractures e) Hyperbaric Oyxgen

APRIL,2003 (N.R.)


1. Explain the terms ‘favourable’ and ‘unfavourable’ fractures for the mandible. Describe the management of
an unfavourable fracture involving (L) angle mandible. =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 16- a)Autoclaving b)Mucocele of the pulp c)Syncope d)Chronic maxillary sinusitis
3. Give brief answers to the following questions (2marks each)
a) Causative organisms in Ludwig’s angina b) Materials used for interpositional osteoarthroplasty
c) List of non-resorbable suture materials. d) Complications of hyperbaric oxygen therapy
e) List of various preauricular incisions.


4. Classify TMJ disorders. Discuss the clinical features and treatment of TMJ pain dysfunction syndrome =9m
5. Write short notes: (4m.each) a) Dentigerous cyst b)Clark’s vestibuloplasty c) Biopsy d) Cephalometry
6. Give brief answers to the following questions (2marks each)
a)Composition of salivary calculus. b)List of instruments used for extraction of lower impacted third molar
c) Composition of local anaesthetic solution. d) Pterygomandibular space boundaries.
e) Name the principles of elevation of teeth.



1. Explain the terms ‘favourable’ & ‘unfavourable’ fractures for the mandible. Describe the management of an
unfavourable fractures involving (L) angle mandible. =10marks
2. Write short notes on: 6 x 5 =30m a) Autoclaving b) Mucocele of the lip c) Syncope
d) Chronic maxillary sinusitis e) Hyperbaric oxygen therapy f) Ludwig’s angina
3. Classify TMJ disorders. Discuss the clinical features and treatment of TMJ pain dysfunction syndrome =10
4. Write short notes on: 6 x 5 =30m a) Dentigerous cyst b) Clark’s vestibuloplatsty
c) Biopsy d) Cephalometry e) Pterygomandibular space boundaries f) Principles of elevation of teeth

OCTOBER, 2002 (New Regulations)


1. What is Impaction? Write the theory, classification of impacted mandibular 3rd molar tooth. Add a note on various techniques of surgical extraction =9marks
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16m a) Lignocaine hydrochloride b) Sterilization
c) Analgesic in O.M.F.surgery d) Suture material and suturing techniques
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks
a) Idiosyncrasy b) Vasoconstrictor c) Prophylactic antibiotic regime for cardiac compromised patients
d) Dry socket e) Incision & Drainage


4. Write aetiology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of odontogenic keratocyst of the mandible affecting a young adult of 20 years =9marks
5. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16 a) Biopsy b) Rigid internal fixation c) Cephalometric analysis d) Radiotherapy
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks
a) Hyperbaric oxygen b) Treatment options for sub condylar fracture c) Malunion d) Reimplantation
e) Frenectomy

OCTOBER, 2002 (Old Regulations) -


1. Write about Pharmacology of Local Anaesthetic Agents used in Oral Surgery and how to minimise complications=10marks
2. Write short notes on: 6 x 5 =30marks
a) Elavators b) Analgesics c) Sterilization d) Ludwigs Angina e) Odontogenic Myxoma


3. Classify the fractures related to Mandible. Give the detailed treatment for unfavourable fracture of the Angle =10m
4. Write short notes on: 6x5=30marks
a) Carcinoma of Tongue b) Ankylosis of Temperomandibulor joint c) Model surgery for orthognathic
d) Vestibuloplasty e) Bells palsy f) Oroantral Fistula

FINAL B.D.S. - APRIL, 2001.

1. Describe the lines of Leforte I and II fractures. Describe the clinical features and treatment of Leforte I features =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Anaphylaxis b) Properties of an ideal local anesthetic drug
c) Complications of extractions d) Pre-anaesthetic preparation of a patient e) Sialoadenitis
f) Cryosurgery-Principles & Indications in oral lesions =6x5=30marks


3. Classify cysts. Describe the etiology, clinical features and treatment of a periapical cyst of the maxillary meisers =10marks
4. Short notes: a) Broad spectrum penicillin’s b) Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
c) Interposition osteoarthroplasty
d) Nasal antrostomy-indications and techniques e) Treatment of Ludwig’s angina f) Frenectomy =6x5

11th OCTOBER, 2000.


1. Describe the clinical and radiological features of chronic osteomyelitis of the mandible in an adult. Also briefly discuss the various treatment modalities =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Biopsy-indications and techniques b) Marsupialization c) Principles of elevation of teeth
d) Caldwell Luc surgery-indications and technique e) Leforte I osteotomy-indications and technique
f) Role of vasoconstrictor in local anaesthesia =6x5=30marks


3. Describe the land marks & techniques for the pterygemandibular block.Also discuss the complications of this block 10
4. Short Notes: a) Autoclaving b) Ibuprofen in oral surgery c) Mucocele in the lip d) Syncope
e) Post-operative care of general anesthesia patient f) Obwegeser vestibuloplasty for the mandible-6x5

APRIL, 2000.


1. What are the causes of Oro-antral communication. Describe any one method of surgical closure =10m
2. Short Notes: a) Winter’s classification of impacted lower third molar b) Globulo maxillary cyst
c) Pterygo mandibular space infection d) Subluxation of T.M.J. e) Trans-alveolar extraction
f) Complications of interior alveolar nerve block =6x5=30marks


3. Classify fractures of condyle. How would you treat a case of low sub-mandibular fracture =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Clark’s technique for localization of impacted maxillary
b) Sub-mandibular space infection c) Traumatic bone cyst d) Trigeminal Neuralgia
e) Dclofenac sodium f) Penicillin’s =6x5=30marks

6th OCTOBER, 1999.


1. Write in detail the clinical features and management of paraxysmal trigeminal neuralgia =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Pericioranitis b) Dentigerous cyst c) Dislocation of T.M.J. d) Miniplate osteosynthesis
e) Cephalosporins f) Adenomatoid Odontogenic tumour =6x5=30marks


1. Describe classification & clinical features of fracture Zygomatic bone complex.Give the indications for surgical treatment=10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Maxillary canine impaction b) Radicular cyst c) Trans-osseous wiring
d) Pindborg tumor e) Sub-massoteric space infection f) Pain dysfunction syndrome of the T.M.J. 6X5

8th APRIL, 1999.


1. Classify fractures of the mandible. How would you treat a case of fracture mandible in the angle region?-10
2. Short Notes: a) Dry socket b) Radiological assessment of lower third molar c) Pterygomandibular space
d) Subluxation of T.M.J. e) Nasolabial cyst f) Sialolith =6x5=30marks


1. Enumerate the causes of inability to open the mouth. How would you treat a case of bone ankylosis=10m
2. Short Notes: a)Ameloblastoma b)Residual cyst c)Ludwig’s Angina d)Exolevers e)Syncope
f) Trans alveolar extraction=6x5=30marks

7th OCTOBER, 1998.


1. Describe the management of fracture of the angle the mandible, distal to the IIIrd molar tooth=10
2. Short Notes: a) Syncope b) Ludwig’s Angina c) Garre’s osteomyelitis d) Marsupialisation
e) Dental alevators f) Condylar fractures in children =6x5=30marks


3. Classify the impaction of mandibular III molar tooth. How will you manage a mesio-blique impaction =10
4. Short Notes: a) Odontomes b) Cryo-Surgery c) Zygomatic fractures d) Apicoectomy
e) Pathological fractures f) Torus palatinus =6x5=30marks

9th APRIL, 1998.


1. Describe a technique of inferior dental nerve block anaesthesia. Enumerate the complications of the technique=10m
2. Short Notes: a) Osteo-radioneurosis b) Submassecteric space infection
c) Acute dislocation of the TM joint. d) Primordial cyst e)Hemophilia f)Premedication=6x5


3. Enumerate the etiological factors of ero-antral fistula. Add a brief note on its management. =10m
4. Short notes: a) Keratocyst b) Trigeminal neuralgia
c)Fracture of the body of the mandible in children d)Diplopia e)Vestibuloplasty f)Biopsy =6x5

8th OCTOBER, 1997.


1. Describe the etiology, clinical features and the management of chronic osteomyelitis of the mandible =10m
2. Short Notes: a) Prognathium b) Submucous fibrosis c) Fracture of the body of the odentulour mandible
d) Removal of a fractures root from the maxillary sinus e) Le Forte I fracture =5x5=25marks


3. Describe the etiology, clinical features and management of ankylosis of T.M.Joint =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Ranula b) Leukoplakia c) Cleft lip d) Subluxation of T.M.Joint
e) Adeno-ameloblastoma f) Submandibular salivary calculi =6x5=30marks

APRIL, 1997.


1. What are the possible complications of an impacted lower third molar. Mention briefly how would you assess an impacted lower third molar =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Dental elevators b) Pterygomandibular space c) Mucoperiosteal flaps
d) Premedication e) Complications of I.D.Nerve Block =5x5=25marks


3. Define ankylosis of T.M.Joint. Mention the etiology, clinical features and management of unilateral ankylosis in a 10 year old patient =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) C.S.F.Rhinorrhoea b) Alveoloplasty c) Osteo-radionecrosis d) Sialolith
e) Aspirin f) Nerve Injuries =6x5=30marks

4th BDS Prosthodontics



1. Discuss in various post-insertion problems in edentulous patients using complete dentures=9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Various Theories of impression making of edentulous arches
b) Anterior teeth selection c) Physiologic rest position and its significance d) Articulators
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m; a) Significance of Incisive papilla b) Lingualised occlusion
c) Enumerate factors affecting balanced occlusion d) Types of Bar retained over dentures
e) Advantages of immediate complete dentures


4. Describe in detail about the steps in preparation of tooth for receiving full metal crown=9m
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Maxillary major connectors b) Veneering materials
c) Connectors in fixed partial dentures d) Dental model surveyor
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m; a) Prothero’s cone theory b) Suck back porosity
c) Disadvantages of subgingival finish lines d) Solders for dental cast unit assembly
e) Tooth coloured cements for all porcelain crowns

OCT./NOV.2005 – N.R.


1. What are the various post insertion problems in complete denture? Enumerate the reasons for it and their
management =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Tissue conditioners b) Articulators
c) Selective pressure impression technique d) Face Bow
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Retention in maxillo facial prosthesis b) Types of implants
c) Over denture d) House’s palate classification e) Christensen’s Phenomenon


4. Define major connectors and write in detail about requirements and types of mandibular major connectors.9
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Provisional restoration b) Luting agents in F.P.D.
c) Ceramics d) Rests in R.P.D. e) Rests in R.P.D.
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Pier abutment b) Hygienic pontic c) Survey lines
d) Types of occlusion in F.P.D. e) Connector in F.P.D.


1. Define balanced occlusion.Explain its significance.What are the factors affecting it? Explain each in detail
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Posterior palatal seal b) Dentogenic concept
c) Indications and contraindications for Relining and Rebasing d) Materials for maxillo facial prosthesis
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Posterior tooth forms b) Hinge axis
c) Factors affecting complete denture retention d) Osseo integration e) Maxillary anatomic landmarks

4. What are the principles in tooth preparation? Explain each in detail =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Classification of Partially Edentulous Arches
b) Kelly’s combination syndrome c) Maxillary major connectors d) Physiologic impression in R.P.D.
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Casting defects b) Disadvantages of partial veneer crown
c) Reversible hydrocolloid d) Minor connectors e) Shade selection

OCTOBER, 2004.


1. Classify Jaw Relation. Define Centric Relation. Explain its clinical significance. What are the methods for
recording centric relation? Explain one in detail =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Pre Prosthetic Surgery
b) Advantages and disadvantages of immediate denture c) Mental attitude of patients d) Obturators
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Parts of Implant b) Over denture
c) Final Impression materials for complete denture d) Polished surface e) Realeff Effect


4. Define a Surveyor. Mention its parts. Explain in detail step to step procedure in Surveyling =9marks;
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Pontics b) Finish Lines in F.P.D.c) Abutment selection
d) Impression materials in F.P.D.
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Tenso friction b) Retraction Cord c) Reciprocation in R.P.D.
d) Ante’s law e) Enameloplasty in R.P.D.

APRIL, 2003 (N.R.)


1. Discuss in detail about insertion, instructions and after care of complete denture =9marks
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 a) Vestibulo plasty b) Retention in complete denture c) Trial denture
d) Inter occlusal recording media
3. Write brief answers: 5 x 2 - a) Buccal shelf area b) Dentogenic concept c) Neutral zone
d) Laboratory remounting e) Posterior palatal seal


4. Describe the principles of abutment preparation for fixed partial denture =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =a) Limitations of Kennedy’s classification of partially endentulous spaces
a) Direct-indirect retention c) Surveyor d) Die spacer
6. Write brief answers: 5 x 2 =a) Shoulder b) Fulcrum lines c) Cerestore d) Ring clasp e) Tripoding.



1. Define an impression. Discuss in detail about the most widely accepted technique of making impression in complete denture treatment =9marks
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 -a) Face bow b) Principles of arrangement of teeth in complete denture c) Drawbacks of Single Complete Denture d) Obturator
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 - a) Incisive Papilla b) Atmospheric Pressure c) Polished surface
d) Cuspless teeth e) Clinical remounting

4. Define a removable partial denture. How do you choose a direct retainer for a removable partial denture
5. Write short answers: 4 x 4 - a) Immediate Partial Denture b) Blockout procedure in Cast Partial Denture
c) Provisional restoration d) Gingival retraction
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 - a) Chamfer b) Ante’s law c) Dicor. d) Half & Half Clasp e) Stress breaker

20th APRIL, 2001.


1. Define complete Denture impression. Discuss various theories of impression making =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Incisive Papilla b) Metallic denture bases c) Gothic arch tracing d) Face bow
e) Rationale of balanced occlusion f) Advantages of over dentures =6x5=30marks


3. Discuss the principles of tooth preparation to receive artificial crown =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) U-Shaped or Horseshoe shaped major connector b) Gingival approaching clasp
c) Adhesive bridge d) Surveying tools e) Disadvantages of Ridgelo type Pontic f) Implant material=6x5



1. Define centric relation and discuss the different methods and significance of recording centric relation=10
2. Short Notes: a) Roaleff b) Selective grinding of the teeth c) Free way space d) Epulis fissuratum
e) Incisal guidance f) Selection of posterior teeth =6x5=30marks


3. Discuss how would you achieve stress equalization in Kennedy’s class-I & Class-II situation =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Provisional restorations b) Finish lines c) RPI System d) Direct-Indirect retention
e) Swing lock dentures f) Factors influencing the retention of clasp =6x5=30marks

APRIL 2000.


1. Define articulator. Mention the different types of articulators and discuss on semi adjustable articulator=10
2. Short Notes: a) Selective pressure impression technique b) Obturators c) Retention in complete dentures
d) Problems encountered in single denture construction e) Condoler guidance
f) Significance of recording centric relation =6x5=30marks


1. Define fixed partial denture. Mention the different types of retainers and the criteria for the selection of the retainers. Add a note on care of the prosthesis =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Kennedy’s Classification b) Rubber base impression material c) Ossointegration
d) Surveying e) PFM (Porcelain fused to metal restoration) f) Mouth preparation in R.P.D. =6x5

20th OCTOBER, 1999.

1. Define impression and discuss the various impression procedures in complete denture patients. And add a note on the selection of the material =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Face bow b) Balanced occlusion c) Posterior palatal seal area and post damming
d) Principles in the arrangement of teeth e) Residual ridge resorption f) Neutral zone =6x5


3. Define major connector. Mention the different types and discuss the criteria for selection of a major connector =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) gingival retraction in F.P.D. b) Functions of minor connector c) Ante’s Law
d) Aker’s clasp e) Pontic design and selection f) Indirect retainer =6x5=30marks

19th APRIL 1999.


1. Define centric relation. Write in detail any one method of recording Centric relation in a complete Denture
2. Short Notes: a) Anatomical Articulator b) Face bow c) Try in Procedure d) Non Anatomical Teeth
e) Ring clasp f) Partial Veneer Crow =6x5=30marks


3. Discuss the principles of preparation of Abutment Teeth for Partial Veneer Crown =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Porcelain Teeth b) Vertical Dimension c) Selection of Anterior Teeth
d) Metal ceramic crown e) Dowel Crown f) Splints =6x5=30markS

20th October, 1998.


1. What are the types of jaw relations. Write in detail about the definition and different methods of recording
vertical jaw relation =10marks
2. a) Primary stress bearing areas b) Relining & rebasing of complete denture
c) Advantages of Immediate denture d) Tissue conditioner
e) Impression procedure for distal extension PD f) Soldering, its implications & procedures


1. Define retainer in F.P.D. Classify the retainers in FTD and describe the step by step preparation of a posterior tooth to receive a complete veneer crown =10marks
2. Short Notes: a)Disadvantages of stress breakers b) Combination clasp c) Immediate obturator
d) Gingival retraction e) Pain control in tooth preparation for retainer prosthesis
f) Double Impression technique in FPD. =6x5=30m

20th APRIL 1998.


1. Define retention, stability and support in complete denture. Write in detail about the factors influencing retention=10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Requirements of an Articulator b) Selective compression theory c) Surgical splints
d) Significance of retromolar pad e) Direct retainers in removal partial denture
f) Instructions to patients receiving complete dentures =6x5=30marks


3. Define indirect retainer. Describe the indications and reasons for the use of indirect retainers and its requirements=10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Pre-prosthetic surgical management in complete denture b) Functions of Occlusal rest
c) Principles of tooth preparation d) Gingival finish lines e) Axio-Proximal grooves
f) Applegate rules for Kennedy’s classification of partially edentulous arches =6x5=30marks

28th OCTOBER 1997.


1. Define the term centric relation. Mention the significance of centric jaw relation. Enumerate the methods of
recording centric relation. Describe in detail your method of choice for recording centric jaw relation =10m
2. Short Notes: a) Controlled pressure theory of impression making b) Resilient liners c) Full veneer crown
d) Connectors in fixed partial dentures e) Altered cast technique =5x5=25marks


1. What is direct retainer. Describe the parts of a direct retainer. What are the requirements of an ideal group clasp design =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Saliva its role in complete dentures b) Minor connector c) Guide planes
d) Post core crowns e) Obturators f) Significance of radiographs in fixed partial dentures =6x5=30

APRIL, 1997.


1. What is an articulator. Give the classification, functions and requirements of an atricular =10marks
2. Short Notes: a)Retention in complete dentures b)Instructions to patients receiving complete dentures-5x5
c) Path of insertion of removable partial denture d) Soldering its application and procedure
e) Orientation jaw relation


3. List the principles of tooth preparation. Describe each with examples and illustrations =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Clinical remount procedure b)Mouth preparations in removable partial dentures
c) Maryland bridges d) Indirect retainer e) Pascal’s law f) Stress breaker =6x5=30marks

4th BDS periodontics


1. Classify periodontal pockets. Describe the clinical and microscopic features of pocket=9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Periodontal manifestations of Diabetes Mellitus
b) Osseous Defects c) Wasting diseases of Teeth d) Herpetic Gingio Stomatitis
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m; a) Pregnancy Gingivitis b) Supracontacts c) Lamina dura
d) Neutrophil e) Stillmans cleft
4. Classify bone replacement grafts and describe the merits and demerits of each type=9m
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Periodontal probes b) Local drug delivery systems
c) Supportive periodontal therapy d) Root surface Bio-modification
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m; a) Dental Floss b) Gracy currets c) Root resection
d) Biological Width e) Desensitizing Agents

OCT./NOV.2005 (N.R.)

1. Define and classify microbial plaque. Discuss the role of microbial plaque in the etiology of gingival and
periodontal disease =9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Methods of collection of Gingival Crevicular fluid (G.C.F.)
b) Dental Floss and technique of flossing c) Area specific curettes
d) Guided Tissue Regeneration (G.T.R.)
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 –10marks; a) Causes and measurement of tooth mobility
b) Classification of periodontal splints c) Adverse effects of chlorhexidine mouthwash
d) Cytokines e) Necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis (N.U.P.)
4. Enumerate the principle groups of periodontal ligament fibres. Add a note on its cellular elements and
functions of periodontal ligament =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Ultrasonics in periodontics b) Coronoplasty
c) Periodontal therapy for pregnant patients d) Local drug delivery system
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =a) Trans-gingival probing b) Porphyromonas gingivalis c) Frenectomy
d) Reverse architecture e) Periodontal disease activity



1. Define osseous surgery. Discuss various osseous grafting procedures=9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16M; a) D.N.A.Probe b) Excisional New Attachment Procedure (ENAP)
c) Localized Aggressive Periodonititis d) Diabetes and Periodontal health
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Finger rest b) Osseo-integration
c) Classification and diagnosis of Trauma From Occlusion (T.F.O.) d) Angiogranuloma
e) Cemento-enamel junction
4. Classify gingival enlargement. Discuss the Histopathology and clinical features of drug induced gingival
enlargement (DIGO) =9marks
5. Write short notes on:4 x 4 =16marks; a) Papilla preservation Flap b) Phase-I therapy
c) Antibiotic prophylaxis for the medically compromised patients d) Periodontal dressing
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Long Junctional epithelium b) Periotemp c) Tension test
d) Classification of Furcation involvement e) Gingival ‘Col’

OCTOBER, 2004.

1. Define and classify Periodontial Flap. Discuss the modified Widman Flap in detail =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Dento-Gingival Junction b) Hemisection
c) Tooth Brush d) Tetracyclines in Periodontics
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Root conditioning b) Acellular Cementum
c) Lamina dura d) Classification of periodontal pockets e) Actinobacillus actinomycetemeomitans
4. Define prognosis. Discuss the various factors you consider to assess the prognosis of periodontally involved
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Dental implants b) Specific and Non-specific plaque
c) Acute pericoronitis d) Free gingival grafts
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Incidence and Prevalence b) Supra contacts
c) Prostaglandins d) Dentifrice e) Stages of Gingivitis


1. Define and classify dental plaque. Write in detail about its composition and ill effects =9marks
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16marks
a) Composition of gingival crevicular fluid b) Define and classify chronic desquamative gingivitis lesions
c) Complement system d) Halitosis
3. Write briefly on; 5 x 2 =10m a) Classify gingival recession b) Age changes in the periodontium
c) Frenectomy and frenotomy d) Mast cell e) Indications for gingivectomy
4. Define Diagnosis. Describe the various microbiologic investigations used in periodontal diagnosis. Add a
note on the limitations of radiographs in periodontal diagnosis. =9marks
5. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16marks
a) Drug induced gingival enlargement
b) Define and classify furcation involvements. Ennumerate the treatment of grade III involvement.
c) Classify bone graft materials. d) Role of tetracyclines in periodontal therapy
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 a) Periodontal dressings b) Supra contacts c) Steps in resective osseous surgery
d) Stabilization of periodontal instruments e) Dental floss


1. Define Periodontal ligament. Describe its microscopic features. Add a note on its functions =9marks
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16m a) Junctional Epithelium b) Concepts of Occlusion
c) Root surface changes in Periodontal Pocket
d) Clinical Radiographic features of Localized Juvenile Peridonitis
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m a) A.D.A. specifications of a tooth brush b) Define and classify Splints c) Refractory Periodontitis d) Fenestrations and Dehiscence e) Etiology of Gingival Recession
4. Define and classify flaps. Describe in detail the modified Widman Flap Technique =9marks
5. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 a) Oral manifestations of H.I.V.infections b) Acquaired Pellicle
c) Maintenance Phase d) Theories aof Calculus formation
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2=10m a) Specific Plaque Hypothesis
b) Enumerate the bone destructive patterns in Periodontal disease
z c) D.N.A.probes d) Indications for Coronoplasty e) Periodontal Abscess

9th APRIL 2001.

1. Define Dental Epidemiology & write in detail about the indices used in assessing Gingival inflammation
2. Short Notes: a) Sub Gingival Calculus b) Still man’s CEFT c) Pregnancy Gingivitis
d) Hydroxy Appetite e) Sulcular Epithelium f) Disclosing solution 6x5=30
3. Define Gingival Bleeding. Write about causes and management of Gingiva Bleeding –10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Hail Toss’s b) Tunnelling c) Gingivoplasty d) Dental Floss e) Vitamin C
f) Periodontal disease index =6x5=30marks

OCTOBER, 2000.

1. Describe the structure and functions of Periodontal Ligament =10marks
2. Short notes: a) Aging of Periodontium b) Coronoplasty c) Attrition
d) Dilantin sodium induced Hyperplasia e) Class-II Furcation f) Periodontal Abscess =6x5=30m
3. Describe in detail the Etiology, clinical features of Acute Necrotising Ulcerating Gingivitis and its treatment=10m
4. Short Notes: a) Juvenile Periodontitis b) Osseious Integration c) Coronally Repositioned Flap
d) Gingivectomy e) Periodontal Pocket f) Desquamative Gingivitis =6x5=30mark

APRIL, 2000.

1. Describe the etiology, clinical features and differential diagnosis of acute Herpetoc gomgova stomatitis.10
2. Short Notes: a) Attachment of Calculus b) Pregnancy Gingivitis c) Localised Juvenile Periodontitis
d) Physical functions of Periodontal Ligament e) Materia Alba f) Fenestration =6x5=30marks
3. Define curettage and describe the indications and technique of subgingival curettage =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Management of Operative Bleeding b) Diabetes mellitus and Periodontal disease
c) Vestibuloplasty d) Dentrifice e) Root treatment f) New attachment =6x5=30marks

8th OCTOBER, 1999.

1. Define Gingiva. Describe the Morphological Histological and functional features of normal Gingiva. Add a note on the role of epithelial attachment in periodontal disease =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Leukemic Gingival Enlargement b) High Frenal Attachment c) Bruxism
d) HIV Periodontitis e) Angular bone defect f) Mast cell =6x5=30marks
1. Define Prognosis. Write in detail the procedures adopted to assess the prognosis for periodontal treatment
2. Short Notes: a) Kirkland knife b) Dental Floss c) Gingivoplasty d) Oseeous Coagulam
e) Food Impaction f) Hemisection =6x5=30marks

10th APRIL, 1999.

1. Describe the concept of Physiological tissue form as an essential aspect of periodontal surgery =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Intra Bony defects b) Night guard c) Radisection d) HIV associated Periodontitis
e) Periodontal abscess f) Angular Bone defect =6x5=30marks
3. Classify Periodontal instruments and describe any one of them in detail =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Pericoronitis b) Splinting c) Suiture materials used in Periodontal surgery
d) Lymphocyte e) Herpatic Gingi vostomatitis f) Polishing Instruments =6x5=30m

OCTOBER, 1998.

1. Define Periodontal Pocket. Classify periodontal pocket. Discuss the pathogenesis and contents of periodontal pocket =10marks
2. Short notes: a) Ideal tooth brush b) Gingival recession c) Desquamative gingivitis d) Dentrifrics
e) Bruxism f) Furcation involvement =6x5=30marks
3. Describe the etiology, clinical features and treatment of acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Resective Osseous surgery b) Coronoplasty c) Nabers probe d) Food impaction
e) Tests for AIDS f) Attachment of Calculus =6x5=30marks

APRIL, 1998.
1. Define Gingiva. Describe its macroscopic & microscopic appearance and functions. Add a note on importance of Gingival Fluid =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Ultrasonics b) Importance of Radiographs in Periodontics c) Overall prognosis
d) Halitosis e) Non Bone graft materials f) Periodontal pack =6x5=30marks
3. Describe the general principles you follow during oral prophylaxis =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Cemento Enamel Junction relationships b) Subgingival plaque c) Periodontal abscess
d) Apthous ulcer e) Microorganisms in Juvenile periodontitis f) Vestibuloplasty =6x5=30marks

10th OCTOBER, 1997.

1. Define Periodontal Pocket. Describe its classification, histopathology, pathogenesis and sequelae =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Drug induced Gingival enlargements b) Arthus Reaction c) Pericoronitis
d) Enzymes in Gingiva e) Management of localized gingival bleeding =6x5=30marks
3. Periodontal Health for all by 2000 AD. What do you understand by this statement. How are you going to implement it by systematic manner =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Prenectomy b) Differences between supra and subgingival calculus c) CPITN d) Biopsy
e) Treatment of ANUG f) Wasting diseases of Teeth =6x5=30marks

APRIL, 1997.
1. Describe in detail the role of Alveolar Bone in health and periodontal disease =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Burixsm b) Halitosis c) Retrograde Periodontitis d) ENAP e) Dehiscence
3. Define prognosis. Describe in detail the various factors you consider to assess the prognosis =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Theories of calculus formation b) Tooth Morbidity c) Periodontal probes
d) Gingival Abscess e) Russell’s index f) Oral lesions in Diabetes Mellitus =6x5=30mar

4th BDS Pedodontia and Preventive Dentistry



1. Define growth and development. What are the theories of Growth? How growth disturbances can cause
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Oral-Screen b) Diagnostic Aids c) Retention appliances
d) Leeway space of nance
3. Write briefly on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Chin-Cap b) Supplemental Teeth c) Carpal Index
d) Optimum Orthodontic Force e) Components of Removable appliance
4. Define anchorage. Classify orthodontic anchorage and explain with examples=9m
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Max.Middle Diastema b) Theories of Eruption
c) Methods of gaining space in dental arch d) Carey’s analysis
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m; a) Inclined plane b) Disadvantages of removable appliances
c) Bionator d) Panoramic Radiographics e) Simon’s Classification

OCT./NOV.2005 (N.R.)

1. Discuss clinical picture of skeletal angle’s class III malocclusion and its clinical management =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Ugly duckling stage b) Therapeutic extractions
c) Open bite d) Space maintainers
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2=a) Rotation b) Occlusal plane c) Adams clasp d) Angle SNA e) Canine retractors
4. Define malocclusions. Classify etiology of malocclusions. Discuss clinical picture and management of
thumb-sucking habit =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Validity of Angle’s classification b) Orthodontic Study models
c) F.R.II appliance d) Pubertal growth spurt
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Mandibular plane b) Angle SNB c) Pont’s model analysis
d) Tissue changes on pressure side e) Advantages of removable orthodontic appliances

MAR/APR.2005 – N.R.
1. Discuss pre-natal and post-natal growth of mandible and its clinical application in orthodontics=9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Tweed’s triangle b) Rapid maxillary expansion
c) I-O-X rays in orthodontics d) Trajectories of occlusal forces
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Pont’s analysis (Pont’s) b) Bolton plane
c) Coffin spring d) Soldering and welding e) ‘Y’ Axis angle
4. Discuss the various tissue changes taking place during orthodontic tooth movement=9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Bite plane appliances b) Components of fixed appliance
c) F.H.plane d) Primate spaces
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Incisal liability b) Cleft lip c) Acromegaly
d) Inter incisal angle e) Wolf’s Law

OCTOBER, 2004.
1. Define Anchorage. Discuss classification of Anchorage. Explain Intermaxillary Anchorage=9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Leeway space of Nance b) Incisal Liability
c) ‘Y’ Axis Angle d) Ideal requisites of Orthodontic Appliance
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Study Models b) Trajectories c) Occlusal X-ray
d) Oral Screen e) Expansion Appliances.
4. Discuss the various stages of development of occlusion, from birth to adolescent =9m
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Thumb sucking habit b) Mandibular Retrognathism
c) Self supporting springs d) Therapeutic Extractions in Orthodontics
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Flush Terminal Plane b) Carey’s Model Analysis
c) Bite Plane Appliances d) Pericision e) S-N-B Angle

1. Enumerate the aetiological factors causing mouth breathing and tongue thrust in children and discuss the
line the treatment =9marks
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 a) Head gear b) Lip bumper c) Pericision d) Primate space
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m a) Tweed’s analysis b) Growth spurts c) 18-8 stainless stell
d) Irreversible hydrocolloids
4. What are functional appliances. Give examples. Discuss any one appliance in detail =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 a) Y-Axis b) Model Analysis c) Hand-Wrist X-ray
d) Midline diastema
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 a) Posterior cross bite b) ANB angle c) Incisor liability
d) Solder and flux e) Oral Screen


1. Enumerate the aetiological factors causing mouth breathing and tongue thrust in children and discuss the
line of treatment =10marks
2. Write short notes on: 6 x 5 =30marks a) Head gear b) Lip bumper c) Pericison
d) Primate space e) Growth spurts f) Fixed retainer
3. What are the functional appliances give examples. Discuss any one appliance in detail. =9marks
4. Write short notes on: 6 x 5 a) ‘Y’ Axis b) Model analysis c) Hand-Wrist X-ray
d) Midline diastema e) ANB angle f) Solder and flux

(New Regulations) - OCTOBER, 2002

1. Discuss the local causes for Mal occlusion =9marks
2. Write short answers on: a) Synchondrosis b) Deep Bite c)Space Maintainer d)Ugly Duckling stage=16
3. Write briefly: 5 x 2- a) Primate Spacing b) SNA Aangle c) Parts of fixed appliance d)Occlusal X-Ray
e) Classification of functional appliance
4. What is Classification? Discuss the different classification on Mal Occlusion. What is the latest classification on Mal Occlusion =9marks
5. Write short answers: a)Hand-wrist X-ray b)Growth Spurt c)18-8 Stainless Steel d)Cleft Lip & Palate
6. Briefly: 5 x 2=a)Cross Bite b)Sutural Growth c)ANB Angle d)Skeletal Mal Occlusion e)Borderline case

OCTOBER, 2002 ( Old Regulations) -

1. Define Anchorage. Discuss the different types of Anchorage with example for each =10marks
2. Write short notes : 6x5 - a) Oral Screen b) Interseptive orthodontics c) Torque force d) Chin cap e) Cephalogram f) Optimum orthodontic force
3. Discuss Heredity as a cause for mal occlusion =10marks
4. Write short notes on: 6x5 - a) Angle’s classification on mal occlusion b) Chronological age
c) Edge wise appliance d) Cervical Traction e) Differential force technique f) Buccinator Mechanism

18th APRIL, 2001.

1. Describe in detail about extractions in Orthodontics. Give your choice of teeth for extractions with reasons
2. Short Notes: a) Hand wrist radiographs b) Reciprocal anchorage c) Labial Bows d) Midlines Diastoma
e) Study models f) Relapse =6x5=30marks
Part-B3. Define growth and development, name and describe the various theories of eruption of teeth =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Soldering and welding b) Direct Bowling c) Part of fixed appliance
d) Ugly duckling stage e) Oral screen f) Clinical features of CL. II div.2 =6x5=30m

OCTOBER, 2000.

1. Describe in detail about different methods of classification of mal occlusion. Describe the basis, merits and demerits of Angle’s classification =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Anchorage b) Adam’s Clasp c) Mode analysis d) Aims of Orthodontics
e) Functional Regulators f) Orthodontic springs =6x5=30marks
3. Define Cephalometrics. Describe in detail about its advantages and disadvantages, uses in the field of orthodontics=10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Thumb sucking b) Functional Matrix theory c) lee way space d) Deep over bite
e) Diagnostic aids f) Retention and its necessity =6x5=30marks

APRIL, 2000.

1. What are the six keys of normal occlusion. State how Ackerman-Profit system is an improvement over Angle’s Classification=10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Sucking and suckling b) Components of fixed appliance c) Oral screen
d) Occlusal Radiograph e) Cephalo Stat f) FMA Angle =6x5=30m

3. State the principles of Andresen appliance. Discuss in detail indications, contra-indications, uses and construction=10m
4. Short Notes: a) Icisal Liability b) Lower Anterior Crowding c) Canine Retractors
d) Pubertal Growth periods e) Permanent Retention f) Intrusion =6x5=30marks

15th OCTOBER, 1999.

1. Define preventive Orthodontics. Discuss the various treatment plan given under the preventive orthodontics =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Anterior open bite b) Elastics c) Extraction in Orthodontics d) Arch perimeter analysis
e) Draw packs of Angle’s classification f) Distal shoe space maintainer =6x5=30marks
3. Discuss the various diagnostic aids used in Orthodontics =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Adam’s Clasp b) Spot Welder c)Arch wire d)SNA Angle e) Functional Regulator
f) Carpal index

17th APRIL, 1999.

1. Define Mal Occlusion. Discuss the etiology of Mal occlusion =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Synchondrosis b) Lee way space c) Anterior Cross Bite d) Midliae Diastoma
e) Growth curve f) ANB Angle =6x5=30marks
3. Discuss the treatment plan for Angle’s Class II Mal occlusion patients in the mixed dentition period =10m
4. Short Notes: a) Slow Expansion Appliance b) Terratogen c) Mouth Breathing d) Deep Bite
e) Ortho Pantomogram f) Curve of spee =6x5=30marks

16th OCTOBER, 1998.

1. Define Interceptive Orthodontics. Describe in detail about serial Extractions =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Anchorage in orthodontics b) Retention and relapse c) Functional Regulators
d) Study models e) Growth spurts f) Modes analysis for mixed dentition =6x5=30marks
3. Describe in detail about Extractions in Orthodontics =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Genetics in Orthodontics b) Anterior open bite c) Fixed appliances
d) Undermining Resorption e) Rapid Palatal expansion f) Thumb sucking habit =6x5=30

17th APRIL, 1998.

1. Define Orthodontics. Describe about AIMS and scope of Orthodontics. =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Local factors in Etiology of Mal-Occlusion b) Model Analysis c) Removable appliances
d) Orthodontics springs e) Growth spurts f) Preventive Orthodontics =6x5=30marks
3. What are Mayo functional appliances. Describe in detail about preparation and uses of oral screen =10m
4. Short Notes: a) Retention and Retainers b) Clinical features of CI, III Mal occlusion
c) Theories of tooth movement d) Simon’s classification of Mal occlusion
e) Management of cleft lip and palate

17th OCTOBER, 1997.

1. Describe in detail pre & post natal growth of mandible =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Oral screen b) Muscle exercises c) Tongue thrusting habit d) Aims of Orthodontics
e) Midlime diastema and its causes =5x5=25marks
3. Describe about extractions in Orthodontics with reasons =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Frankel’s appliance b) Fixed appliance c) Anterior open bite
d) Under mining bone resorption e) Robert’s Retractor f) Validity of Angel’s Classification =6x5

APRIL, 1997.
1. What are the reasons for Extractions in Orthodontics? Discuss the choice of teeth for Extractions =10m
2. Short Notes: a) Growth spurts b) Midline Diastema c) Springs to bring about Mesio Distal d) ‘Y’ Axis
e) Modes analysis for Mixed Dentition =5x5=25marks
3. What are functional Appliances? Give examples. Describe the Trimming and Mechanisms of Actions of Anderson’s Appliance =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Fixed appliances verses Removable appliance b) Hawley’s Retainer
c) Hand-Wrist Radiographs d) Extra oral Anchorage e) Thumb sucking habit
f) Fixed space maintainers =6x5=30mark

4th BDS Orthodontics



1. Define growth and development. What are the theories of Growth? How growth disturbances can cause
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Oral-Screen b) Diagnostic Aids c) Retention appliances
d) Leeway space of nance
3. Write briefly on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Chin-Cap b) Supplemental Teeth c) Carpal Index
d) Optimum Orthodontic Force e) Components of Removable appliance
4. Define anchorage. Classify orthodontic anchorage and explain with examples=9m
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Max.Middle Diastema b) Theories of Eruption
c) Methods of gaining space in dental arch d) Carey’s analysis
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m; a) Inclined plane b) Disadvantages of removable appliances
c) Bionator d) Panoramic Radiographics e) Simon’s Classification

OCT./NOV.2005 (N.R.)

1. Discuss clinical picture of skeletal angle’s class III malocclusion and its clinical management =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Ugly duckling stage b) Therapeutic extractions
c) Open bite d) Space maintainers
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2=a) Rotation b) Occlusal plane c) Adams clasp d) Angle SNA e) Canine retractors
4. Define malocclusions. Classify etiology of malocclusions. Discuss clinical picture and management of
thumb-sucking habit =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Validity of Angle’s classification b) Orthodontic Study models
c) F.R.II appliance d) Pubertal growth spurt
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Mandibular plane b) Angle SNB c) Pont’s model analysis
d) Tissue changes on pressure side e) Advantages of removable orthodontic appliances

MAR/APR.2005 – N.R.
1. Discuss pre-natal and post-natal growth of mandible and its clinical application in orthodontics=9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Tweed’s triangle b) Rapid maxillary expansion
c) I-O-X rays in orthodontics d) Trajectories of occlusal forces
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Pont’s analysis (Pont’s) b) Bolton plane
c) Coffin spring d) Soldering and welding e) ‘Y’ Axis angle
4. Discuss the various tissue changes taking place during orthodontic tooth movement=9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Bite plane appliances b) Components of fixed appliance
c) F.H.plane d) Primate spaces
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Incisal liability b) Cleft lip c) Acromegaly
d) Inter incisal angle e) Wolf’s Law

OCTOBER, 2004.
1. Define Anchorage. Discuss classification of Anchorage. Explain Intermaxillary Anchorage=9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Leeway space of Nance b) Incisal Liability
c) ‘Y’ Axis Angle d) Ideal requisites of Orthodontic Appliance
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Study Models b) Trajectories c) Occlusal X-ray
d) Oral Screen e) Expansion Appliances.
4. Discuss the various stages of development of occlusion, from birth to adolescent =9m
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Thumb sucking habit b) Mandibular Retrognathism
c) Self supporting springs d) Therapeutic Extractions in Orthodontics
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Flush Terminal Plane b) Carey’s Model Analysis
c) Bite Plane Appliances d) Pericision e) S-N-B Angle

1. Enumerate the aetiological factors causing mouth breathing and tongue thrust in children and discuss the
line the treatment =9marks
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 a) Head gear b) Lip bumper c) Pericision d) Primate space
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m a) Tweed’s analysis b) Growth spurts c) 18-8 stainless stell
d) Irreversible hydrocolloids
4. What are functional appliances. Give examples. Discuss any one appliance in detail =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 a) Y-Axis b) Model Analysis c) Hand-Wrist X-ray
d) Midline diastema
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 a) Posterior cross bite b) ANB angle c) Incisor liability
d) Solder and flux e) Oral Screen


1. Enumerate the aetiological factors causing mouth breathing and tongue thrust in children and discuss the
line of treatment =10marks
2. Write short notes on: 6 x 5 =30marks a) Head gear b) Lip bumper c) Pericison
d) Primate space e) Growth spurts f) Fixed retainer
3. What are the functional appliances give examples. Discuss any one appliance in detail. =9marks
4. Write short notes on: 6 x 5 a) ‘Y’ Axis b) Model analysis c) Hand-Wrist X-ray
d) Midline diastema e) ANB angle f) Solder and flux

(New Regulations) - OCTOBER, 2002

1. Discuss the local causes for Mal occlusion =9marks
2. Write short answers on: a) Synchondrosis b) Deep Bite c)Space Maintainer d)Ugly Duckling stage=16
3. Write briefly: 5 x 2- a) Primate Spacing b) SNA Aangle c) Parts of fixed appliance d)Occlusal X-Ray
e) Classification of functional appliance
4. What is Classification? Discuss the different classification on Mal Occlusion. What is the latest classification on Mal Occlusion =9marks
5. Write short answers: a)Hand-wrist X-ray b)Growth Spurt c)18-8 Stainless Steel d)Cleft Lip & Palate
6. Briefly: 5 x 2=a)Cross Bite b)Sutural Growth c)ANB Angle d)Skeletal Mal Occlusion e)Borderline case

OCTOBER, 2002 ( Old Regulations) -

1. Define Anchorage. Discuss the different types of Anchorage with example for each =10marks
2. Write short notes : 6x5 - a) Oral Screen b) Interseptive orthodontics c) Torque force d) Chin cap e) Cephalogram f) Optimum orthodontic force
3. Discuss Heredity as a cause for mal occlusion =10marks
4. Write short notes on: 6x5 - a) Angle’s classification on mal occlusion b) Chronological age
c) Edge wise appliance d) Cervical Traction e) Differential force technique f) Buccinator Mechanism

18th APRIL, 2001.

1. Describe in detail about extractions in Orthodontics. Give your choice of teeth for extractions with reasons
2. Short Notes: a) Hand wrist radiographs b) Reciprocal anchorage c) Labial Bows d) Midlines Diastoma
e) Study models f) Relapse =6x5=30marks
Part-B3. Define growth and development, name and describe the various theories of eruption of teeth =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Soldering and welding b) Direct Bowling c) Part of fixed appliance
d) Ugly duckling stage e) Oral screen f) Clinical features of CL. II div.2 =6x5=30m

OCTOBER, 2000.

1. Describe in detail about different methods of classification of mal occlusion. Describe the basis, merits and demerits of Angle’s classification =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Anchorage b) Adam’s Clasp c) Mode analysis d) Aims of Orthodontics
e) Functional Regulators f) Orthodontic springs =6x5=30marks
3. Define Cephalometrics. Describe in detail about its advantages and disadvantages, uses in the field of orthodontics=10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Thumb sucking b) Functional Matrix theory c) lee way space d) Deep over bite
e) Diagnostic aids f) Retention and its necessity =6x5=30marks

APRIL, 2000.

1. What are the six keys of normal occlusion. State how Ackerman-Profit system is an improvement over Angle’s Classification=10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Sucking and suckling b) Components of fixed appliance c) Oral screen
d) Occlusal Radiograph e) Cephalo Stat f) FMA Angle =6x5=30m

3. State the principles of Andresen appliance. Discuss in detail indications, contra-indications, uses and construction=10m
4. Short Notes: a) Icisal Liability b) Lower Anterior Crowding c) Canine Retractors
d) Pubertal Growth periods e) Permanent Retention f) Intrusion =6x5=30marks

15th OCTOBER, 1999.

1. Define preventive Orthodontics. Discuss the various treatment plan given under the preventive orthodontics =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Anterior open bite b) Elastics c) Extraction in Orthodontics d) Arch perimeter analysis
e) Draw packs of Angle’s classification f) Distal shoe space maintainer =6x5=30marks
3. Discuss the various diagnostic aids used in Orthodontics =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Adam’s Clasp b) Spot Welder c)Arch wire d)SNA Angle e) Functional Regulator
f) Carpal index

17th APRIL, 1999.

1. Define Mal Occlusion. Discuss the etiology of Mal occlusion =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Synchondrosis b) Lee way space c) Anterior Cross Bite d) Midliae Diastoma
e) Growth curve f) ANB Angle =6x5=30marks
3. Discuss the treatment plan for Angle’s Class II Mal occlusion patients in the mixed dentition period =10m
4. Short Notes: a) Slow Expansion Appliance b) Terratogen c) Mouth Breathing d) Deep Bite
e) Ortho Pantomogram f) Curve of spee =6x5=30marks

16th OCTOBER, 1998.

1. Define Interceptive Orthodontics. Describe in detail about serial Extractions =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Anchorage in orthodontics b) Retention and relapse c) Functional Regulators
d) Study models e) Growth spurts f) Modes analysis for mixed dentition =6x5=30marks
3. Describe in detail about Extractions in Orthodontics =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Genetics in Orthodontics b) Anterior open bite c) Fixed appliances
d) Undermining Resorption e) Rapid Palatal expansion f) Thumb sucking habit =6x5=30

17th APRIL, 1998.

1. Define Orthodontics. Describe about AIMS and scope of Orthodontics. =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Local factors in Etiology of Mal-Occlusion b) Model Analysis c) Removable appliances
d) Orthodontics springs e) Growth spurts f) Preventive Orthodontics =6x5=30marks
3. What are Mayo functional appliances. Describe in detail about preparation and uses of oral screen =10m
4. Short Notes: a) Retention and Retainers b) Clinical features of CI, III Mal occlusion
c) Theories of tooth movement d) Simon’s classification of Mal occlusion
e) Management of cleft lip and palate

17th OCTOBER, 1997.

1. Describe in detail pre & post natal growth of mandible =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Oral screen b) Muscle exercises c) Tongue thrusting habit d) Aims of Orthodontics
e) Midlime diastema and its causes =5x5=25marks
3. Describe about extractions in Orthodontics with reasons =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Frankel’s appliance b) Fixed appliance c) Anterior open bite
d) Under mining bone resorption e) Robert’s Retractor f) Validity of Angel’s Classification =6x5

APRIL, 1997.
1. What are the reasons for Extractions in Orthodontics? Discuss the choice of teeth for Extractions =10m
2. Short Notes: a) Growth spurts b) Midline Diastema c) Springs to bring about Mesio Distal d) ‘Y’ Axis
e) Modes analysis for Mixed Dentition =5x5=25marks
3. What are functional Appliances? Give examples. Describe the Trimming and Mechanisms of Actions of Anderson’s Appliance =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Fixed appliances verses Removable appliance b) Hawley’s Retainer
c) Hand-Wrist Radiographs d) Extra oral Anchorage e) Thumb sucking habit
f) Fixed space maintainers =6x5=30mark

4th BDS Oral medicine and radiology



1. Enumerate premalignant lesions and premalignant conditions. Describe the etiology, clinical features and
treatment of Oral sub mucous Fibrosis=9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x4 =16m; a) Oral manifestations of Diabetes Mellitus b) Erythema Multiforme
c) Management of Tic Douloureux d) Endogenous Pigmentation
3. Write short notes: 5 x 2 =a) ANUG b) Gingival hyperplasia c) Paul-Bunnel test d) Candidiasis e) Bell’s Palsy


4. What is the composition of radiographic film? Describe the mechanism of image formation. Add a note on
the composition of developing and fixing solution and their functions=9m
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Sunray appearance b) Hazards of radiation
c) Automatic film processing d) Indications for occlusal film
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m; a) Thermoluminescent Dosimeter
b) Radiographic appearance of Fibrous Dysplasia c) Bite Marks d) Battered Baby syndrome
e) Wound Certificate

OCT./NOV.2005 (N.R.)


1. Define an autoimmune disease. Enumerate autoimmune diseases that have direct and indirect effect on the
oral cavity =9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Xerostomia b) Hyperparathyroidism
c) Management of Chronic atrophic candidiasis d) Agranulocytosis
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) James Ramsay Hunt Syndrome b) Post herpetic Neuralgia
c) Paul Bunnel Test d) Hairy Leukoplakia e) Café au lait spots


4. Write briefly on indications for occlusal radiograph and describe the technique for topographic occlusal
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Importance of Lamira dura b) Collimation and filtration
c) Radiograph appearance of fibrous dysplasia
d) Anatomical Landmarks seen in upper posterior periapical X’Ray picture
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2=10marks; a) Bell’s Palsy b) Antemortem records in Forensic Dentistry
c) Bite mark analysis d) Identification and aging the dead from the teeth e) Dosimetry



1. Enumerate the causes of cervical lymphadenopathy and give the clinical features of Hodgkin’s disease=9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Investigations with the result of Pemphigus Vulgaris
b) Sjogren’s syndrome c) Differential diagnosis of smooth tongue
d) Clinical features of pernicious anaemia
3. Write briefly on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Management of sub mucous fibrosis b) Eagle’s syndrome
c) Anaphylactic shock d) Erosive Lichenplanus e) Clidocranial dysostosis


4. Describe sialography in detail and write briefly on the significance in various salivary gland disorders=9m
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Radiographic appearance of periapical cemental dysplasia
b) Radiation protection for patients c) Intensifying Screen d) Generation of X-Rays
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Grid b) Submentovertex view
c) Estimation of time since death in Forensic Dentistry d) Estimation and interepretation of bite marks
e) Facial comparisons and reconstruction in Forensic Dentistry

OCTOBER, 2004.


1. What are the functions of Saliva? Enumerate the causes of Xerostomia and add a note on its management-9
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Pigmental lesions of Orofacial region
b) Oral precancerous lesions c) Clinical features of Acute Herpetic Gingivostomatitis
d) Oral manifestations of HIV Infection
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Management of recurrent aphthous ulcers
b) Bence Jones protein c) Rose Waller Test d) Management of Paroxysmal Trigeminal Neuralgia
e) Myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome.


4. Enumerate periapical radiolucencies and radio-opacities. How would you diagnose systemic diseases with
periapical changes in radiographs =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4=16marks; a) Moth eaten appearance
b) Radiographic appearance of Odontogenic keratocyst
c) Radiation hazards of teeth, Oral Mucosa and the jaws d) Indications for trans orbital view
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Potter Bucky diaphragm b) Scope of forensic dentistry
c) Determination of age in forensic dentistry d) Dental identification kit in forensic dentistry e) Resolution.



1. Give differential diagnosis of pain in and around the tooth =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m a) Treatment of Frigeminal Neuralgia b) Leproma in mouth
c) Glossopyrosis and Glossodynia d) Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
3. Write short notes on: 5 x 2 =10m a) Hairy Leukoplakia b) Drugs causing Gingival enlargement
c) Mobility of tooth d) Pericornitis – causes e) Subluxation of T.M.J. (Tempromandibular joint)

4. How will you take intraoral radiograph using long cone technique =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m a) Radiographic appearance of fibrous Dysplasia b) Exposure time
c) Fixing and developing solution d) Bite marks
6. Write short notes on: 5 x 2 =10m a) Child abuse b) Antimortem record c) Lamina Dura d) Soap bubble appearance of radiograph e) Grid



1. Give differential diagnosis of pain in and around the tooth =10marks
2. Write short notes on: 6 x 5 =30m a) Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia b) Leproma in mouth
c) Glossopyrosis & glossodynia d) Ramsay hunt syndrome e) Leukoplakia
f) Subluxation of T.M.J. (Temporomandibular joint)


3. How will you take intra oral radiograph using long cone technique. =10marks
4. Write short notes on: 6 x 5 =30marks
a) Radiographic appearance of fibrous dysplasia b) Exposure time c) Fixing & developing solution
d) Bite marks e) Antimortem record f) Grid.

(New Regulations) OCTOBER, 2002.


1. Define and classify Anemias. Discuss in detail about Iron deficiency anemia. =9marks
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16 - a) Benign migratory glossitis b) Herpes zoster
c) Chronic lymphocytic leukemia d) Ameloblastoma
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m a) Secondary stage of syphilis b) Hyperparathyroidism
c) Atrophic Lichen Planus d) Cancrum Oris e) Hodgkin’s Disease


4. Discuss in detail regarding radiation protection =9marks
5. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16m a) Occlusal view radiography b) Collimation c) SLOB d) Processing of X-ray films
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks a) Radiographic films b) Radiographic appearance of Paget’s disease c) Bite marks d) Sex determination e) Lip prints

OCTOBER, 2002 (Old Regulations) -


1. Write the differential diagnosis of dryness of mouth =10marks
2. Write short notes on: 6x5=30m a) ANUG b) Sebacious Nevi c) Verrucous Carcinoma d) Trismus e) Bald Tongue f) Heerfordt syndrome


3. Enumerate various Techniques of TMJ Radiography. Write in detail transcranial projection =10marks
4. Write short notes on: 6 x 5 =30m a) Collimation b) Dosimetry c) Developing solution
d) Fractures of Teeth e) Lacerated wounds f) Age changes of Teeth



1. Enumerate various vesiculo-bullous lesions of oral cavity. Describe Erythema Multiform in detail =10m
2. Short Notes: a) Sjogren’s syndrome b) Eosinophillic Granuloma c) Serological Test for Syphilis
d) Thrust e) Fibrous Dysplasia f) Anti inflammatory drugs =6x5=30m


3. Discuss briefly radiation hazards. Describe the various methods to protect the patient and operator from the hazards=10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Collimation and Filtration b) Occlusal Radiographs c) Garre’s osteomyelitis
d) Contrast radiography e) Intensifying screens f) Composition of Intra oral periapical film =6x5



1. Describe the clinical varieties of Leukoplakia and mention the treatment of different types of Luekoplakia. Add a note on etiology of Leukoplakia =10marks
2. Short Notes on: a) Trotters syndrome b) Hairy Leukoplakia c) Agranulocytosis d) Sul auricular pain
e) Avitominosis A f) Treatment of Trigeminal Trigeminal neuralgia =6x5=30marks


3. Describe the Radiographic appearance of different cysts of Maxilla and mandible =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Intensifying screen b) Timer c) Bite marks d) Mass disaster e) Antemortem Record
f) Long cone technique =6x5=30marks



1. Enumerate the various causes of Cervico-Facial Lymphadenopathy. Write the differential diagnosis of cervical lymphadenopathy =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Depapillation of tongue b) Periodic Migrainous Neuralgia c) Bell’s Palsy
d) Sebaceous Nevi e) Oral submucous Fibrosis f) Agranulocytosis =6x5=30


3. Write the principle of imaging and discuss the bisecting angle technique =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Units of Radiation b) Radiological appearance of Odontogenic Keratocyst =6x5=30m
c) Radiation Mucositis d) Grevious Injury of teeth e) Bite Marks f) Registration of Dental surgeons



1. Describe the clinical varieties of Oral Lichen planus and outline the clinical differences between Leukoplakia and Lichen planus. Add a note on management of Lichen Planus in oral mucosa =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Areas of focal infection in oral cavity b) Oral Submucous fibrosis c) Verruca Vulgaris
d) Infectious Mono nucleiosis e) Lamina Dura f) Steroids in Dentistry


3. Describe the periapical Radiolucencies and Radio-opacities =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Age determination of Forensic Odontology b) Post mortem Record c) Child abuse
d) Dosi Metry e) Fibrous dysplasia in Radiographs f) Long cone Technique =6x5=30marks



1. Discuss the differential diagnosis of multiple ulcers of oral mucosa =10marks
2. Short notes: a) Burning mouth syndrome b) Acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis c) Trotter’s syndrome
d) Biopsy e) Mid Palatal swellings f) Vitality tests =6x5=30marks


3. Enumerate the various radiographic techniques for the diagnosis of fractures of mandible =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Grid b) Bitowing Radiography c) Alara d) Radiation caries e) Professional negligence
f) Age determination =6x5=30marks


1. Enumerate the white lesions of the oral mucosa. Write about aetiology, clinical features, investigations and management of oral thrush =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Biopsy b) Steven Johnson Syndrome c) Sideropenic dysphasia d) Angioneurotic edema
e) Xerostomic f) M.P.D.Syndrome =6x5=30marks


3. Enumerate hazards of radiation. Discuss the effects of radiation on oral tissues =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Bite-wing radiography b) Oral mucosal pigmentation’s c) Grids d) Antifungal drugs
e) Radiographic appearance of osteosarcoma f) Composition and functions of fixer solution =6x5=30m

OCTOBER, 1999.

1. Classify facial pain. Describe aetio-pathogenesis, clinical features and management of trigeminal neuralgia
2. Write short notes on: a) Cyclic Neutropenia b) Paget’s Test c) Schirmor Test
d) Erythema multiforme e) Erythroplakia f) Atrophic candidasis


3. Discuss the differential diagnosis of radiolucencies on coronal part of teeth =10marks
4. Write short notes on: a) Slob formula b) Intensifying Screens c) Osteoradio-Necrosis
d) Gustafson method of age determination e) Dental records in medico-legal matters
f) Importance of incremental lines in forensic odontology.

6th APRIL, 1999.


1. Classify ulcers of the oral mucosa. Discuss the differential diagnosis of recurrent multiple ulcers =10marks
2. Short notes: a) Atypical facial pain b) Burning mouth syndrome c) Necrotizing sialometaplasia
d) Biopsy e) Agranulocystosis f) Kaposi’s sarcoma =6x5=30marks


1. Enumerate intra-oral radiographic techniques. Describe the procedure of localizing an impacted left maxillary canine=10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Characteristic radiation b) Antiviral drugs c) Hyperparathyroidism d) Radiographic film
e) Radiation protection operator f) Ramsay Hunt Syndrome =6x5=30marks

5th OCTOBER, 1998.

1. Classify vesicobullous lesions of oral cavity and write in detail about Erythema multiforme=10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Oral exfoliative cytology b) Lichen Planus c) Id reaction d) Trigeminal neuralgia
e) Thalassemia major f) Eagle’s syndrome =6x5=30marks


3. Discuss the causes of faulty radiographs =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Dosimetry b) Intensifying screens c) Radiation caries d) Corticosteroids in dentistry
e) Radiographic appearance of Ameloblastoma f) Compten effect =6x5=30marks

6th APRIL, 1998.


1. Discuss the differential diagnosis of Oral Mucosal Pigmentation =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome b)Mumps c)Atypical facial pain
d) Odontogenic Keratocyst e) Hoarfrost’s syndrome f) Exfoliate cytology =6x5=30marks


3. Describe the procedure of periapical radiograph of mandibular central incisors using short cone technique=10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Melkerson Rosenthel syndrome b) Grids c) Coolidge’s tube d) Properties of X-rays
e) Mucous patches f) Submucous fibrosis =6x5=30marks

OCTOBER, 1997.


1. Enumerate premalignant conditions and lesions of oral mucosa. Describe in detail any two of them =10m
2. Short Notes: a) Thrush b) Bald tongue c)Ramsay Hunt syndrome d)Dysgeusia e)Erythema Multiforme


3. Describe the procedure for sialography of parotid gland =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Contents and actions of developing & fixing solutions b) X-ray tube
c) Orthopantomograph d) Radiological appearance of dental caries e) Biopsy
f) Recurrent Aphthous stomatitis =6x5=30marks

APRIL, 1997.


1. Classify facial pain. Describe in detail etiology, clinical features and management of Idiopathic Trigeminal neuralgia=10marks
2. Short Notes: a) White spongy nevus b) Eagle’s syndrome c) Clinical examination of Ulcer
d) Xerostomia e) Exfoliate cytology =5x5=25marks

3. Describe the differential diagnosis of radiolucent lesions in posterior part of body of mandible =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Regional Odontodysplasia b) Anedontia c) Intensifying screens d) Collimators
e) Pink tooth f) Grinspans syndrome =6x5=30marks

2nd BDS Pathology and Microbiology

GENERAL PATHOLOGY, PARASITOLOGY & MICROBIOLOGY-APRIL, 2006 Time: 3hours - Max.70marks - Answer All Questions
Part-A (General Pathology)
1. Define Neoplasia. Classify tumours. Discuss the modes of spread of malignant tumours=9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Factors influencing wound healing b) Actinomycosis
c) Types of shock d) Pernicious Anaemia
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Oral lesions in congenital syphilis b) Causes of Neutrophilic leucocytosis
c) Angioodema d) Thrombocytopenia e) Lab diagnosis of enteric fever

Part-B (Parasitology & Microbiology)
4. Draw a neat diagram of bacterial cell. Add a note on bacterial cell wall=9m
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Amoebic dysentery b) Dental caries
c) Mechanisms of innate immunity in an individual d) Ziehl-Neelsen stain
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Principle of autoclave b) Prophylaxis against Hepatitis B
c) Laboratory diagnosis of Malaria d) Prophylaxis of tetanus e) Different morphological forms of bacteria


1. Define thrombosis. Discuss the etiopathogenesis and complications of thrombus. =9m
2. Write short notes on; 4 x 4 -=16m; a) Phagocytosis b) Sequential stages in wound healing by first intention
c) Fat embolism d) Osteoclastoma
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Tripe response of lewis b) Classical haemophilia
c) Characteristics of dry gangrene d) Microscopy of amenoblastoma e) Microscopy of Tubercle
4. Describe the morphology, clinical characters and laboratory diagnosis of diphtheria =9m
5. Write short notes on; 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Bacterial growth curve b) Autoclave c) Hepatitis B virus
d) Human cycle of malarial parasite.
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Name two enriched media and two transport media
b) Mention four modes of infection of HIV c) Name four diseases caused by streptococcus pyogenes
d) Name four vaccines e) Importance of Grams stain

MAR/APR.2005 (N.R.)

1. Explain the characteristics of benign and malignant tumours =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Morphology of Granuloma b) Squamous cell carcinoma
c) Blood picture in Megaloblastic anaemia d) Osteosarcoma
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Cancrum oris b) Types of exudate c) Microscopy of fatty liver d) Lab diagnosis of ITP e) Basal cell carcinoma
4. Define sterilization and disinfection. Add a note on moist heat sterilization =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Bacterial spore b) Oral Thrush c) Vincent’s Angina
d) Differences between Active and Passive immunity
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Name the species of malarial parasites infecting humans
b) Name two sexually transmitted bacterial diseases c) Name four different classes of disinfectants
d) Name four diseases caused by Staphylococcus aureus
e) Name two media used by cultivation of corynebacterium diphtheria

OCTOBER, 2004(N.R.)

Part-A (General Pathology)
1. Define and classify Degeneration. Discuss the etiopathogenesis and pathology of Fatty Liver =9marks
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Pathological calcification
b) Pleomorphic Adenoma of Salivary gland c) Pyogenic osteomyelitis
d) Blood picture in chronic myeloid leukaemia
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Types of necrosis with examples b) Microscopy of Sago spleen
c) Wear and Tear pigment d) Chemotaxis e) Leukoplakia of mouth
Part-B (Parasitology and Microbiology)
4. Describe the morphology, cultural characters, and corynaebacterium diphtheriae =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Mention two oral fungal falciparum
b) Complications of plasmodium falciparum c) Mention four bacteria causing respiratory infection
d) Draw a diagram of Spore and Label e) Mention four Bacteria causing meningitis.

APRIL/MAY, 2004. (N.R.)

Part-A (General Pathology)
1. Define inflammation. Discuss cellular events in Acute inflammation =9marks
2. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16marks;
a) Granuloma b) Healing by second intension c) Dystrophic calcification d) Congenital syphilis.
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks;
a) Types of Oedema b) Nutmeg liver c) Blood picture in Iron deficiency Anaemia
d) Name the pathways of spread of Malignant tumours d) Thrombocytopenia.
Part-B (Parastiology and Microbiology)
4. Describe the morphology and life cycle of Entamoeba histolytica. Write about laboratory diagnosis of intestinal
amoebiasis. 9marks;
5. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =16m. a) Different methods of Sterilization b) Modes of transmission of HIV
c) Flagella d) Koplik’s spots.
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =a) Types of active immunity with examples b) Different types of spores
c) Non suppurative lesions, caused by streptococcus pyogenes d) Ziehl-Neelsen stain
e) Mention four selective media

= = =

APRIL,2003. (N.R.)

Answer Part-A and B in separate answer books - Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Part-A (General Pathology)
1. Define Neoplasia. Give the differences between Benign and Malignant tumours =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks
a) Metastatic calcification b) Fate of thrombus c) Actinomycosis d) E.S.R.
3. Write brief answers on: 5 x 2 =10marks
a) Hypertrophy-define and give examples
b) Red infarct – How is it caused? How many types of infarcts are there?
c) Microscopic picture of osteosarcoma d) What is Leucocytosis? What are the causes.
e) What is Fatty liver? What are the causes
Part-B (Parastiology including Microbiology)
4. Define Sterilisation. Classify sterilization methods and write about physical methods of
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks
a) Structure of immunoglobulin b) Serum sickness c) Hydatid cyst d) Malignant pustule
6. Write briefly on the following: 5 x 2=a) Exotoxin b)Castanedo’s method of culture
c) Koplic sports or bacteria in oral cavity d) Diagram of aids virus e) Inclusion bodies

Part-A (General Pathology)
1. Define Granuloma- What are the causes and pathology of Granuloma =9marks
2. Write short answer: 4 x 4 =a) Basal cell carcinoma b) Phagocytosis c) Fat embolism d) Gangrene
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks -a) Candidiasis – What is it ? What are the causes
b) Microscopic picture of Osteoclastoma c) Blood picture of chronic myeloid Leukemia
d) Metaplasia - What is it? Give examples e) Define teratoma
Part-B (Parasitology includisng Microbiology)
4. Define and classify Immunity. Discuss Acquired Immunity. =9marks
5. Write short answers on: 4 x 4 =a) Microfilaria b) Dental caries c) Capsule d) Blood agar
6. Write briefly: 5x2=a) Lesions caused by Staphylococcus aureus. b) Mention 3 enriched media and their uses
c) Growth curve d) Gram Stain e) Uses of Hot Air Oven

SECOND B.D.S. APRIL, 2000 – General pathology, Parasitology & Microbiology

Part-A (General Pathology)
1. Describe briefly serological diagnosis of syphilis =10marks
2. Short notes: a) Structure of Immunoglobulin b) Fungus affecting the hair c) Immunization of Rabies
d) Lab-diagnosis of corynebacterium Diphtheria in brief e) Actinomycosis f) Rhino sporidium=6x5=30
Part-B ( Parasitology & Microbiology)
1. Describe the morphology, spread, prevention and lab diagnosis of Hepatitis B Virus =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Widal Test b) Elisa c) Acquired active immunity d) Standard tests for syphilis
e) Name the Immunoglobulins and write above IgA f) Microfilaria =6x5=30marks

APRIL, 1999.

1. Define thrombosis. Discuss in brief the pathogenesis of thrombus for motion =10marks
2. Write short notes on: 6x5=a) Actinomycosis b) Dental caries c) Phagocytosis d) Spread of tumour
e) Blood picture of iron deficiency anaemia f) Cell mediated immunity
3. Describe the morphology of bacterial cell with diagram briefly =10marks
4. Write short notes on: 6x5= a) Polio vaccines b) Sources of infection c) Entamoeba Gingivalis
d)V.D.R.L.Test e)Morphology diagnosis and diseases caused by candida albicans f)Prophylaxis of Tetanus.

OCTOBER, 1998.
1. Define sterilization. Describe an auto-clave =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Dental caries b) Immunoglobulin A c) Cultivation of Viruses
d) Immunization of Tatanus e) Lab diagnosis of entamoeba histolytica in brief
f) Cysticercus cellulosae =6x5=30marks
3. Describe healing of a fracture. Enumerate the causes for nonhealing of a fracture =10marks
4. Short: a)Pancytopenia b)Scurvy c)Epulis d)Pleomorphic adenoma e)Caseons necrosis f) Atrophy=6x5

APRIL, 1998.

Part-A ( General Pathology )
1. Define Inflammation. What are the cardinal signs of inflammation. Describe the vascular changes in inflammation=10
2. Short Notes: a) Spread of tumors b) Bleeding time c) Cell mediated immunity d) Primary complex
e) Burkitts Lymphoma f) Embolism =6x5=30marks
Part-B ( Parasitology including Microbiology)
3. Mention the infection transmitted by blood and blood products and write in detail about any one agent =10
4. Short Notes: a) Enriched Media b) Cultural methods of Candida Albicans c) Congenital syphilis
d) Structure of Immunoglobulin e) Morphology of Entamoeba Gingivalis f) Cultivation of Virus =6x5

OCTOBER, 1997.

1. Describe the morphology cultural characters and lab diagnosis of cornybacterium diphtheria –10marks
2. Short notes: a) Vincents Angine b) Hot Air oven c) Morphology and cultural characters of penumococci
d) Lock Jaw e) Immunization of Polio Myditis =5x5=25marks
3. Discuss the aetiopathogenesis of nutritional oedema =10marks
4 Short Notes: a) Gangrene b) Dystiophic calcification c) Basal cell carcinoma d) Ameloblastoma
e)Hemophilia f) Varieties of Inflammation –6x5=30marks

APRIL, 1997. Time: 3hrs Marks: 75
1. Describe morphology, cultural characters and laboratory diagnosis of cornybacterium diphtheria =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Human Papilloma Virus b) Life cycle of Ancylostoma duodenal c) Stool examination
d) Sterilization e) Cysticercus cellulosae =5x5=25marks
3. Discuss the aetiopathogenesis of odema =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Fat necrosis b) Basal cell carcinoma c) Leukoplakia d) Pancytopenia
e) Pleomorphic Adenoma f) Granuloma =6x5=30marks

OCTOBER, 1996.

1. Describe morphology, cultural characters and laboratory diagnosis of pneumococcus. Give a brief account of
bronchopneumonia =10marks
2. Write short notes on: 6x5=a) Life cycle of entamoeba histolytica b) Pneumocystis carinii c) Occult blood
d) Serologic diagnosis of syphilis e) Type-II Hypersensitivity reactions.
3. Define sterilization and write about sterilization by moist heat =10marks
4. Write short notes on: 6x5=30m-a) Write briefly about capsule and give 2 examples of capsulated organisms.
a) Immunoglobulin-A c) Streptococcus viridons and dental caries
d) Importance of Hepatiti-B in dental surgery e) Oral Thrush

APRIL, 1996. Time-3hrs Marks:75

1. Describe morphology, cultural characters and laboratory diagnosis of enteric fever =10marks
2. Short Notes- a)Cytomegalo Virus b)Life cycle of Ascaris Lumbricoides c)Black water fever
d)Mumps e) Mycetoma
1. Define infarction. Describe the pathology of Infarct. 10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Gumma b) Vitamin A deficiency c) Spread of tumors d) Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
e) Bone-marrow in megaloblastic anaemia f) Dentigerous cyst =6x5=30marks

OCTOBER, 1995.
1. Discuss the aetiology, pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of malaria =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Primary complex in lung b) Sterilization by autoclave c) Larval forms of cestodes
d) Normal flora of mouth e) Examination of stool in amoebic dysentery =5x5=25marks
3. Classify tumours and discuss the differences between benign and malignant tumors =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Necrosis b) Bronzed diabetes c) Heart failure cells d) Lymphokines
e) Granulation tissue ` Packed cell volume =6x5=30marks