01 November, 2008

3rd BDS General Surgery


1. Causative organism, signs, symptoms and treatment of Tetanus=9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Branchial cyst b) Indication for Tracheostomy
c) Precaution for surgeon-HIV infected patient d) Leucoplakia
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Vasovagal shock b) Orthopantomogram
c) Gaint cell Epulis d) Waldeyer’s inner ring e) Name and dosage for first line tubercular drugs
4. Le Fort classification of fractures of Maxilla=9m
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m; a) Ameloblastoma b) Prophylactic antibiotic c) Micrognarthism
d) Different levels of cervical lymph nodes
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m; a) Keloid Scar b) Sterilization by Hot air c) Neuropraxia
d) Burns shock e) Metaplasia
1. Describe the aetiology, stages, clinical features and management of tuberculous lymphadenitis=9m
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Carbuncle b) Tonsillitis c) Arterial ulcer e) Dentigerous cyst
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks; a) Superficial burns b) Epulis c) Xylocaine
d) Delayed healing e) Laryngeal spasm
4. Describe the causes, clinical features and management of Haemorrhage =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Cleft palate b) Thyroid nodule c) Ranula d) Skin grafting
6. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10m; a) Boil b) Radiation necrosis c) Inflammation d) Harelip e) Stomatitis


1. Define gangrene, describe the types, clinical manifestations and management of wet gangrene =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Abscess b) Active immunity c) Fistula d) Chemotherapy
3. Write briefly: 5 x 2=a) Secondary healing b) non-healing ulcer c) Local anaesthesia d) Quinolones e) Arthritis
4. Discuss the aetiology, clinical features and management of Carcinoma tongue =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Haemorrhage b) Tracheitis c) Embolism d) Sebaceous cyst

OCTOBER, 2004. (N.R.)

1. Describe the aetiology, pathology, clinical features and management of Actinomycosis =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Leukoplakia b) Ranula c) Lymphadenitis d) Lipoma
3. Write short notes on: 5 x 2 ; a) penicillin b) Primary healing c) Fibrous d) Glossitis e) Scalds
4. Discuss the aetiology, pathology, clinical features and management of Tetanics =9marks
5. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16marks; a) Cellulitis b) T.S.H. c) Topical Anaesthesia d) Carbuncle
6. Write briefly: 5 x 2=10m; a) Passive Immunity b) Pharyngitis c) Otitis Media d) Cross infection e) Sinusitis.

1. Discuss the Clinical features and management of jaw tumors =9marks
2. Write short notes: 4 x 4 =a) Tetanus Bacilli b) Osteomyulitis c) Trismus d) Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
3. Write briefly: 5 x 2 =10m=a) Anti Oxidant b) Cystic Hygroma c) Rh Factor d) Sinusitis e) Cytokines
1. Classify Haemorrhage and discuss its management =9marks
2. Write short notes on: 4 x 4 =16m=a) Sinus & Fistula b) Epistaxis c) Modified Radical Neck Dissection
d) Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Disorder
3. Write briefly on: 5 x 2 =10marks
a) Sterilization b) Branchial cyst c) Cell mediated Immunity d) Dysphagia e) Healing by Primary Intention

6th APRIL, 2001.

1. Discuss the differential diagnosis of multiple Cervical Lymph nodes enlargement. How will you proceed to investigate and treat the same =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Brachial cyst b) Pharyngeal pouch c) Ranula d) Lipoma e)Venesection f) Anaesthetic reaction

3. Classify and describe the clinical features of Jaw tumors and management of Adamantinoma of the mandible =10
4. Short Notes: a) Carries tooth b) Branchial cyst c) Cleft Lip d) Dentigerous cyst e) Lipoma f) Penicillins=6x5

APRIL, 2000.

1. Classify the tumors of the alveolus and describe clinical features and management of the same =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Parotid Fistula b)Cleft Palate c)Root Abscesses d)Tracheostomy e) Tetra cyclines
f) Dental cyst
3. Describe the clinical features and management of shock syndrome =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Signs and symptoms of Carcinoma tongue b) Ulcer check c) Dermoid cyst
d) Rodent ulcer e) Hutchinson teeth f) Reactionary hemorrhage =6x5=30marks

6th OCTOBER, 1999.

1. Describe classification of salivary gland tumors and clinical features and management of Parotid Gland Tumors
1. Short Notes: a) Solitary Nodile Thyroid b) Ludwig’s Angina c) Leukoplakia d) Dermoid cyst
e) Osteomyelitis Mandible f) Mixed Parotid tumor =6x5=30marks
2. Describe indications and complications of Tracheostomy =10marks
3. Short Notes: a) Secondary hemorrhage b) Delayed wound healing c) Quinsy d) Tongue-tie
e) Varicose veins f) Thyroglossal Fistula =6x5=30marks

8th APRIL, 1999.

1. Describe clinical features, diagnosis and management of Carcinoma Thyroid =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Epitaxis b) Carcinoma Lip c) Mixed Parotid tumor d) Septicemia
e) Hypovolaemic Shock f) Dermoid cyst =6x5=30marks
3. Describe the clinical features and management of a case of Tetanus =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Skin grafting b) Varieties of Gangrene c) Haemangioma d) Thyroglossal cyst e) Epulis
f) Autoclave Sterilization =6x5=30marks

OCTOBER, 1998.

1. Describe aetiology, clinical features, diagnosis and management of carcinoma cheek =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Salivary glands b) Keloid c) Venous ulcer d) Cold Abscess neck e) Cellulitis
f) Haemophilia
3. Describe indications and complications of blood transfusion =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Tetanus prophylaxis b) Lingual thyroid c) Branchial cyst d) Local Anesthesia
e) Rodent ulcer f) Aneurysm =6x5=30marks

APRIL, 1998.

1. Describe the various causes of bleeding from the gums and its management =10marks
2. Short Notes: a)Ameloblastoma b)Impacted tooth c) Carbuncle back d) Adenoids e) Micrognathia
f) Cleft palate
3. Describe the oetiology, pathogenesis and treatment of tetanus =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Branchial cyst b) Actinomycosis c) Epulis d) Bell’s palsy e) Lock-Jaw
f) Leukoplakia =6x5=30m

8th OCTOBER, 1997.

1. Describe the clinical features, diagnosis and management of tumors of maxilla =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Calculi of salivary glands b) Apical abscess c) Waldeyer’s ring d) Thyroglossal cyst
e) Median Mental sinus =5x5=25marks
3. Describe the pathophysiology, clinical features and treatment of septicemia shock =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Trigeminal Neuralgia b) Peritonsillar abscess c) Warthin’s tumor d) Pre auricular sinus
e) Haemangioma of tongue f) Dentigerous cyst =6x5=30marks

APRIL, 1997.

1. Classify fractures of the face and describe management of each type of fracture =10marks
2. Short Notes: a) Ascptic necrosis of mandible b) Cleft lip c) Minor Salivary gland tumors
d) Haemophilia e) Ludwig’s angina =5x5=25marks
3. Describe the various types of cysts of mandible and detail the management of each type =10marks
4. Short Notes: a) Mandibular block b) Lingual thyroid c) Acute Tonsilitis d) Tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis
e) Premalignant lesions of the tongue f) Macroglossia =6x5=30mark

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